holder of secrets

Trishna Sellence Psychic Empath

When I was a young child I was caught in between warring friends. Not knowing how to handle this situation, and wanting my friends to shake hands again, and also wanting to be the hero who brought them back together, I shared things with each side that the other had said.

This, of course, fell flat on its face, and it didn't hesitate to take me right with it. Each side felt betrayed, and my attempts to be the good guy... well lets just say that's not how it turned out. I did bring them all together though. In their anger at me. So there's that.

But childhood trauma aside, I learned a powerful lesson in that moment: to hold what others share with me in confidence.

A thread began to run through my life on that day, and it still does to this day. I am the holder of secrets.

Ever since then, people have told me their secrets. From the mundane, to the risky, to the perverse, they have felt comfortable sharing it all with me - whether I asked for it or not.

In fact, as the keeper of secrets I know the burden it can be and the responsibility it takes, so I rarely ask. But the world continues to share nonetheless.

So it came as little surprise to me when 24 years later I was told that I am the holder of secrets. Not just in the physical realm, but in the esoteric realm as well. That I hold within me the secret laws of the universe yet to be shared with the world. With the bonus being that in the esoteric sense, I get to share these secrets with others now!

On this blog I will share my esoteric knowledge. The methods, teachings, and laws I have experienced and then studied in the realms of magick, the occult, the law of attraction, spirituality, psychic abilities, divination and more - and my personal take, lessons, and experiences with them.

In my books I will discuss new laws and secrets of the universe yet to be revealed, so stay tuned. Some of these have already been, and will continue to be, shared in smaller doses in my YouTube videos and audio clips - the central hub of which is here on this site.

And of course, if you are looking to unlock some of your own secrets, you can work with me personally by booking a session.

I look forward to unlocking the vault of secrets with and for you. Let’s create our individual dreams by growing together.