Finding Your Purpose

Life Path Number Mastery

It is so fulfilling and exciting when we are able to figure out the direction of our life, the purpose. Numerology is one way for us to figure out the overall purpose or story arc of our journey here in this lifetime. But, what happens when you learn what your life path number is… but it doesn’t seem to resonate?

Many people have been there. That urge of excitement at calculating the numbers in their birthdate, only to be disappointed by the answer when they uncover their life path number and look up its meaning.

Not to worry! In this video, we discuss a couple reasons why your life path number may not resonate for you! You are not alone, and the answer will activate you further on your journey and soul’s evolution!

And if you are interested in going deeper and uncovering your soul’s divine mission as a lightworker and what actions steps you can take now to start fulfilling it, I invite you to explore the Light Codes Spiritual Awakening Activation course here!

Why do spiritual awakenings happen?

Why do spiritual awakenings happen?

Have you ever felt lost, stuck, or disconnected with your true self? It could be an indication that you are in the midst of a spiritual awakening. Spiritual awakenings are deeply personal and profound experiences that can happen unexpectedly. You may feel a sense of awakening or enlightenment that transforms your perspective, beliefs, and lifestyle. In this blog post, we will delve deeper into the reasons why spiritual awakenings happen, the signs of spiritual awakening, and the benefits of embracing this soulful journey.

Are light codes real?

Many people new to spirituality, new age, and light codes wonder if light codes are real, or if this is all gobbledy-gook. I'll cut to the chase and give you the answer - yes, light codes are real. While it may seem like a stretch to some, you'll soon see how this makes sense.

Tarot: What It Is and How to Use It in Your Life

When you think of tarot, what comes to mind? For some people, it's images of gypsies with crystal balls. For others, it might be the scary movie "The Conjuring." But what is tarot really? And how does it work? In this post, we'll explore tarot and its history, and discuss how you can use it in your own life. So if you're curious about this enigmatic art form, read on!

Do you need guidance in a certain area of your life?

Do you need guidance in a certain area of your life? A tarot reading can help provide clarity and insight into what the future may hold. Get a deeper understanding of a situation or topic that is troubling you with a 9 card tarot reading spread. Read on to learn more about how a reading can transform your life and guide you on your path.

Do You Have a Purpose?

Do You Have a Purpose?

People spend their lifetimes searching for their purpose so they can either: 1) Find meaning in their life going forward, like having a mission, or passion, or reason to keep going, or 2) They try to assign themselves a purpose in retrospect, to give themselves meaning for all the things they have accomplished. To make sense of their lives and actions leading up to that point.

Trying to assign all this meaning is a very human, logical mind thing to do. But it over complicates things and gets us stressed out or feeling lost.

Why You Can't Find Your Purpose or Stick With!

Why You Can't Find Your Purpose or Stick With!

I can't tell you the number of times I've - FINALLY DISCOVERED - my passion or purpose, only for my interest to fizzle out a few months later. Fortunately, the days of going back and forth on what my passions are, are long gone for me now. Here’s what I came to realize that helped me find, and stick with, my passion!

Build Your Abundance Hologram

Build Your Abundance Hologram

To become masters of our reality, we must understand the rules of that reality. And the reality is, behind the veil, our universe operates like a hologram. If you have a piece of the image, the rest of the image can be filled in. Every piece contains the whole within itself, and the whole is made up of all the pieces. Here’s how to use this knowledge to bring more abundance into our life.