✨Harness the power of your spirit guides to achieve your true potential and unleash your personal magic✨

Hello beautiful soul! If you have found yourself here, you likely know that our connection to our spirit guides is a sacred one. If you have been struggling to connect with yours, or to connect with them as deeply as you would like, then you have found yourself in the right place.

The truth is, connecting to your spirit guides is easy. That may sound incredulous, but really, what makes it hard is:

1) Our lack of trust in the process, and

2) The ego mind’s belief that such beautiful things must be hard to attain.

For this reason, this course is not just about spirit guides and the many types you can work with. Instead, this course also focuses on:

  • The many hang ups we have on this journey

  • New mindset shifts that will release those hang ups, and

  • Will transform you on deep soul levels,

  • Building trust in our guides and our connection to them, and

  • So much more

Working with your spirit guides will awaken not only your connection to them. But also your connection to your higher self, angels, ancestors, mediumship, intuition, and psychic gifts. Connecting with your guides is the gateway to not only:

  • A relationship with a best friend who knows you in and out,

  • Who wants the best for you, and

  • Always wants to hear from you

It is also the gateway to your own deepest wisdom, your compass in life, and your connection to the magic of the universe and all of its beings. I really don’t know where I would be without mine.

So let’s get you connected to yours!

In this course, you will:

  • Discover the many hang ups that keep you from truly connecting to your guides and other beings

  • Receive activations and new mindset shifts that will transform how you work and connect to the spirit realm

  • Learn easy techniques you can apply within minutes to connect with your guides immediately

  • Uncover practices you can apply to build deeper trust with your guides and the information you receive

  • Meet one, or a few!, of your own guides and receive messages directly from them

  • Receive soul and chakra activations as well as aura cleanses

  • Understand the best ways to ask questions of your guides to receive powerful and accurate answers

  • Learn how to work with inaccurate information from your guides and gain great value from them anyways, so you can’t lose!

  • Know what to do when you get boring, repetitive, mundane answers from your guides

  • Get answers to which guides and beings to work with and when

  • Receive guidance directly from your own guides, angels, higher self, ancestors, and akashic records

  • Be more connected to your own psychic abilities

I am so excited to share this course with you. It is jam-packed with information. And is meant to be a living, breathing course. Meaning, if several of you have questions and send them my way, I will create new modules!

Photo credit: Shawn Suttle

At present, please enjoy the:

  • Over 4.5 hours of video content

  • 2 powerful guided meditations, total 45 minutes

  • Numerous potent activations

If you would like to enjoy this sacred union with your guides and any other beings you desire to work with and gain more clarity about spirituality and life, join the Spiritual Guides Course here at the Spiritual Activation Academy.

You will need:

  • A notebook & pen to record messages from your guides, symbols, and insights

  • Headphones or earbuds to listen to the meditations (this is optional)

  • Delicious warm beverage to sink into the in-depth modules

The Spirit Guides Course is currently offered via