Business Advice from the Soul

Here is a taste of business coaching from the soul perspective. What does that mean? It means, incorporating the aspect of us that knows what is to come, what would make us the happiest, where our beauty, strengths and value lie. And integrating all of that into the perfect strategy for your business that will also bring you your deepest version of happiness and success. 

Life Coaching SWOT Analysis

How to Get Clients as a Life Coach

How to Stop Procrastinating and Get More Done

Conscious Leadership: The Future of Leadership

Living the lifestyle of a conscious / soul leader allows you to live a life of clarity and empowerment. It is the future of leadership. Here's what conscious / soul leadership is and how to be this type of leader.

Hi there! If you're itching to be more productive, get more done and make the most of your time, without having to force yourself to act, this is the video for you! In this video I give you the steps you need to get things done and feel good in the process.