All you have to do to move forward, is stop holding yourself back

When your heart, mind, body and soul are all going in the same direction, success will be yours.

Welcome to the healings page. Healings are the basis of what TXS Solutions is about. These healings sometimes have homework, but usually only require you to sit and listen to the words being shared. These words are aligned with your being on all levels – mind, spirit, body, heart – and are designed to activate you to release what holds you back from living the life you desire, the way you desire it.  

How to Connect with Your true Self & Find Your Purpose

Healing Activation to Find Your Purpose and Live a Happy Life!

In the second part of this 2 part video we activate your energy field to ground you, and open you up to a life of purpose and happiness!

The key to living a life of purpose, meaning and happiness is dependent on being connected with your true self. We spend the earlier years of our lives listening to who others think we should be. As a result, we chase after "passions" that don't resonate and spend time with people we don't feel connected to.

Healing Activation to Help You Remember You are Good Enough Exactly as You Are!

Harnessing the Energy of the Sag Full Moon to Bring in Our Optimism!

I'm kicking off the new direction of my channel with a full moon healing today! Let's release what no longer serves us and tune in to the beautiful frequency of the Sagittarius Full Moon and all the healing it has to offer!

We are all plagued with the feeling of not being good enough for the things we desire most from our lives. This is something that we will feel throughout our lifetimes but it doesn't have to be a bad thing. It can be an opportunity.