State of the World - Part 1

State of the World

The world is doing well, good, all right. Across the board, people are skewed towards kindness more than towards hurting others. 

Natural disasters

The weather is starting to fight back, in some ways to teach us a lesson. There are many more years of intense weather to come. More arctic swirls of cold to freeze us over, forest fires, dry heat and droughts, rain and floods, hurricanes and some tornadoes. 

We have not been kind to our earth and this is what happens as a result. We lost our connection to this planet that provides so much for us, most of us take it for granted. When we appreciate again the riches she offers, she will lovingly show us mercy. But she is a mother and mothers show tough love until the lesson is learnt. 

Small pockets of people are rebuilding that connection to our provider, but we do not have enough traction yet. Very few care enough about the earth to get away from their smartphones. There is still much work to be done here. 


Despite how it may appear, war is declining. When politicians want to instigate more of it, they are struggling to get the public amped up and behind them. People are more focused on peace and understanding. The days of acting from our anger first are fading. They are being replaced by days of first acting from kindness.  

Dark Organizations

Dark organizations of course still exist. What makes a dark organization dark is secrecy. The opposite of secrecy is transparency. There are ways to protect your country and selves while still implementing much more transparency than we have at present. There will come a time when we cooperate more with others and where cooperation becomes the normal way of getting things accomplished. 

That day is not today and there is a ways to go, but there are stirrings happening already. On some level, these organizations know that openness, kindness and cooperation are all qualities we can have today without creating any self harm. The world really would work better this way. And if one side started to implement it, the rest of the world would breathe a sigh of relief. 

We do significantly more harm through secrets than we do good. And this is no secret, pun intended, to these dark organizations, agents and governments. 

It is a huge mindset change and so it will take time. But when the transition does happen, it will be like living in an entirely new world.