Spirit Guides

Orca Animal Spirit Guide Wisdom

Orcas are beautiful, powerful, and intelligent creates who symbolize harmony, evolution, and duality. These concepts are important for us to embody at this time. For this reason, Orca came through to speak with us and share it's wisdom, messages, healing, and medicine.

Come join in and learn more about what Orca has to share, including:

🐳The balance between work and play ✨

🐳Learning to be your true self, and learn who that is ✨

🐳Finding complements instead of opposites in relationships, including twin flames and soulmates ✨

And much more!

I hope you enjoy, and don't forget that you can work directly with the orcas for the new moon, or any time you would like! For lightworkers, earth angels, empaths, and starseeds - or any one who enjoys marine vibes!

Want to connect more deeply with Orca or your own spirit guides? Learn how to easily connect with your spirit guides here. Or read more about spirit guides at the blog here!

And if you would like to learn more about twin flames and twin flame reunions, check out more posts here!

Ancestors Meditation

My deceased grandma, who I have met only once when I was 1 years old - meaning I have no actual recollection of her outside of my spiritual connection to her - asked to speak with me today.

I have felt her presence every so often for over a decade, a little before my grandpa, her husband, passed. So we have chatted casually a bit here and there.

But she has never said to me: we need to talk. Until today. My grandpa, who I grew up with for most of my life, was there too.

So we had a sit down. And wow. They took me back to a memory that was no longer than 2 minutes, from 13 years ago.

As I was re-experiencing that moment, the negative emotions of that time came to the surface for a purge I didn't know I still needed.

Meditation is such a powerful and strange experience. It brings up moments you thought you had already forgotten about.

It feels random and like it’s coming out of nowhere.

But through that purging, enters a peace you didn't know you could fall deeper into.

My mind feels wider and more expanded now. And I feel a deeper connection to my grandparents as a result, for the healing they provided.

When you meditate and experience negative feelings, know that it is not a bad thing. It is that final purging. If you let it happen, blessings are on the other side.

For more tips on how to have profound meditation experiences, please enjoy this video.

Do Spirit Guides Lie?

You may have encountered situations where you relied on guidance from your spirit guides. Whether it's a life-changing decision or a minor choice, your intuition can lead you to a path that aligns with your higher purpose. However, have you ever wondered if spirit guides lie? Can they be wrong in their guidance? In this blog post, we will debunk myths and explore the truth behind trusting your intuition.

How Spirit Guides Communicate – Discovering the Messages They Share

How Spirit Guides Communicate – Discovering the Messages They Share

As a lightworker or Starseed, have you ever felt a gentle presence surrounding you? Or perhaps, you see repeating numbers or symbols that seem to follow you wherever you go? If so, it's highly likely that you have received signs or messages from your spirit guides. These guide us on our life journey and help us lead a fulfilling life. One thing that's important to understand is how they communicate. In this blog post, we'll dive deep into how spirit guides communicate and what these messages mean.

What are spirit guides?

What are spirit guides?

Have you ever felt like there was an invisible force guiding you from within? Or have you often experienced synchronicities and signs that seemed too coincidental to be just chance? Chances are, you might have had interactions with your spirit guides. In this blog post, we’ll dive deeper into what spirit guides are, how to connect with them, and how they can help you in your spiritual journey.

Leo New Moon - Time to Find Your New Throne

Happy New Moon in Leo. This is a time when you may feel lost on your journey. Unsure of what to call into your life next, or where to go. Completely drawing a blank on your vision for your future.

Not to worry! In this Leo New Moon video we discuss all of that and more! Including how this is a SECOND potent MANIFESTATION portal! Be sure to watch the video to learn how to best harness it’s energies and call in your desires.

Please enjoy the guided meditation where you will meet with your higher self and receive guidance on your vision, and where to go next on your journey ✨

Communing With Your Higher Self to Lose Weight

My husband is an amazing cook, and he loves to expand his repertoire. Which means I get to eat delicious foods, and really wonderful varieties too! Which also means… that I gained quite a bit of weight in the span of a year, despite working out almost as regularly as before we moved in together.

What took me a year to gain, I lost in about 2.5 months. How, you might ask? I’ll teach you the easIER way today in this post!

The main secret to success when it comes to weight loss, and really to any area of your life, is to work with…

Are light codes real?

Many people new to spirituality, new age, and light codes wonder if light codes are real, or if this is all gobbledy-gook. I'll cut to the chase and give you the answer - yes, light codes are real. While it may seem like a stretch to some, you'll soon see how this makes sense.

Tarot: What It Is and How to Use It in Your Life

When you think of tarot, what comes to mind? For some people, it's images of gypsies with crystal balls. For others, it might be the scary movie "The Conjuring." But what is tarot really? And how does it work? In this post, we'll explore tarot and its history, and discuss how you can use it in your own life. So if you're curious about this enigmatic art form, read on!

Why We Doubt Messages from Our Spiritual Guides

I remember early on in my journey, when I would receive psychic insights and answers, it was a bit of a roller coaster ride.

When I was tuned into the spirit realm, I could deeply feel and understand how profound the wisdom I was downloading really was. But once I was out of that beautiful moment of receiving and back in physical reality, those profound messages would lose some of their power. I would second guess the answers I received, or the value of the wisdom I heard.

I know this is a struggle for a lot of people on their spiritual journey. You finally open up to the divine, and receive incredible inspiration. But the moment we start trying to integrate it into our lives, we doubt our experience, and second guess the value of what we received.