Do the Vikings have what it takes to win?

Today we're taking a look at the Minnesota Vikings. They're ranked #4 on ESPN's Power Rankings and many think they will not only make it to the Super Bowl, but that they are positioned to win it. 

Having stellar players is one thing, but how those players work together is another. In this article we take a look at:

  • The dynamics and attitude of the team
  • Zimmer's coaching style and where the team's plays and strategies actually come from
  • Whether the Viking's truly have what it takes to make it to the Super Bowl

Minnesota Vikings

This is a stressful time, there are changes and things are tense. But they will be settled and serious in 3 weeks. They are a positive group and when they train, they aren't just focused on winning. They are focused on being a team, having some fun, and the process and joy of the game. They care about each other and try to keep the right attitude. 

If a member of their team rightly gets in trouble for their actions, they don't judge him but they also don't condone his behavior and hope he gets the help he needs. 

If a member of their team wrongly gets in trouble, they feel for him but could at times do more to stand up for him. I do see them becoming more vocal in the future as they realize that they have power with their voice and as a team. But dynamics are a bit complex so this change takes time. 

Mike Zimmer

Mike Zimmer can be quite serious and stern but that doesn't mean he is as hard on the inside. He cares about his players and their well being and safety. He also likes that the team tries to keep a positive group disposition even if he shows otherwise. He doesn't like to outwardly express his emotions, but it doesn't mean those emotions aren't there. 

He has many uncertainties about the team and how they will do. He's not sure what the best strategy is in terms of what players to put out, what plays to run, etc. His team will be able to help him with this. 

His style will be to rely more on the team's expertise for overall game play. His strength is in focusing on the individual players. 

He had a good relationship with his wife. He deals with a lot of uncertainties and she was a comforting sounding board for him. He wished he could contribute and be there more for her, but he did appreciate her and was pretty present. 

He sometimes wishes he could have been around more for his children but he actually was pretty present with them as well and they support him.

He has been blessed with a good family. And he hasn't done a bad job of giving back either. 

Kirk Cousins  

Kirk Cousins is feeling stressed about the season but once he gets going and playing, his attention will be focused on practice, his team and the game. He will still feel stressed, but the distractions will limit it. 

He is very much a family man and he doesn't like the game interfering with that. He is very devoted to his wife and child as they are the joys in his life. Football is fun but it is nothing compared to the love he feels for his family and the joy that they bring him. 

Do the Vikings have a shot at the Super Bowl?

It is early to tell but at present they have their stresses and they may not have that full drive needed to win. For that reason, making the super bowl does not seem likely. 

With that said, they keep it positive and are an amazing team; they know how to support each other and identify and compensate for each others' weaknesses with their strengths.

IF they could let go of their stress and focus more on the win, their team dynamics would give them a great shot.