How to manifest faster

How to Manifest Faster

If you have been slowly, but surely, and playfully working on yourself and your connection with your abundance and mindset, this has not gone unnoticed by your guides and the universe.

Every time you step in the right direction, every time you try your best to get it right, the universe gives you a gentle boost. We all have an innocence to us, no matter what we think we may have done. The universe favors that innocence in you and takes every opportunity you give it, to emphasize that quality in you and those aspects in your life.

Mi Pham

Mi Pham

So give yourself a gold star, for you have done well. And it is acknowledged and appreciated. Keep that childlike wonder, attitude and play alive - and you will be rewarded. For that is all we are here to do, play in this wonderful playground of ever changing possibilities.

When we do this, we become successful. When we are successful, everyone encourages us to do more of what we've been doing to become successful in the first place. It served you well before, why would you change anything now?

The same can be said now - playing as a child brought you happiness then. So why would you change anything now?

Because play is silly. And it's messy. Imagination makes us think bigger than we believe. It causes our ego to rise against us and shut those starry eyes. Even when we have achieved success beyond what we thought possible, it still feels silly to think big regarding our next goal.

It's time to clean up that ego. It's time to play only for the sake of play. To play only because its fun. To let ourselves really live in the moment, to really experience magic. You've been doing so well, don't stop now.

Play like a child with no limitations from your ego mind, and you will go the distance. You will reach the finish line of your manifestation. You will achieve it leaps and bounds faster than treading the boring, logical, feet-on-the-ground way.

Robert Collins

Robert Collins

Play like the child you remember being, the child that you are deep down inside. Dare to imagine the possibilities your life can take. Dare to pretend for a moment each day, that your dream is yours.

Dare to be the you that has no limits and the universe will bring you abundance with no limits.