Why We Doubt Messages from Our Spiritual Guides

Why We Doubt Spiritual Messages, Visions, and Experiences

I remember early on in my journey, when I would receive psychic insights and answers, it was a bit of a roller coaster ride.

When I was tuned into the spirit realm, I could deeply feel and understand how profound the wisdom I was downloading really was. But once I was out of that beautiful moment of receiving and back in physical reality, those profound messages would lose some of their power. I would second guess the answers I received, or the value of the wisdom I heard.


I know this is a struggle for a lot of people on their spiritual journey. You finally open up to the divine, and receive incredible inspiration. But the moment we start trying to integrate it into our lives, we doubt our experience, and second guess the value of what we received.

Many believe that this is because our logical mind gets in the way. That the mind makes it hard to receive in the first place, and then hard to believe what has been received when we finally connect to it. But this is not the case. The mind is fully capable of believing beyond what it senses in its environment. Most of the world believes in God even though they have not seen him / her. The mind is not the problem when it comes to connecting with the spirit.

So then, why does this happen, and why does it happen so universally? Why do we find it so hard to connect to the spirit realm, and why do we find it difficult to accept the responses we receive? The reason has to do with the distortions in the field, here in 3D and on Earth.

Understanding the Distorted Energy Grid on Earth

Around and all throughout Earth is a distorted energy field. This distortion creates the feelings of confusion, disconnection, fear, etc. that we tend to feel.

When we commune with the spirit realm, we enter a higher dimension of thinking and experiencing. Whether you realize it or not, our souls travel to the spirit realm to connect on the spirit plane. We leave 3D reality, and we leave Earth. We leave the distortion field.

This is why we are able to access such profound, multi-dimensional information, and to feel so clear and confident about it. We are out of the realm of fear, disbelief, confusion, fear, and doubt. And we enter the realm of possibilities, clarity, joy, confidence, inner power, and belief.

When we decide to end our spiritual chat and exit our meditation, or leave receiving mode, our souls come back down from the spirit realm, and back to Earth. During this process, our souls travel from the place of belief, possibilities and clarity - back into the realm of distortion.

So the profound wisdom that we felt crystal clear about, gets bathed in confusion and doubt. Hence, why we question the logic behind the profound wisdom we knew was truth that we received only moments or days before.

Why You Must Listen to Your Own Wisdom First and Foremost

The distortion on Earth is one of the major reasons why we should listen to our own wisdom, and not the advice, guidance, or opinions of others. Most people are not accessing the spirit realm for their guidance. They are getting it from the distorted realm here on Earth. So whatever advice they share, is distorted advice to begin with.

Instead, leave the 3D realm each day, or several times a week, and visit the spirit realm. Connect with your wisdom there. You can do this by connecting with your spirit guides or the universe / source. Some like to do so by connecting with their ancestors, angels, etc. Then come back to physical reality with your new knowledge.

Repeat this each day or several times a week. Yes, you will doubt the information you receive when you come back to Earth. But now you are aware of this and why.

As you practice retrieving your guidance from outside the distortion, you will learn to trust it more and more. You will get used to having that kind of wisdom, and holding onto it here on Earth. And as you start acting on that wisdom, and seeing the result of it (which can take 6 months to make sense, so take your time), you will learn to trust the guidance no matter which realm you are in at the time.

Why the distortion is here

The distortion on Earth isn't a "natural phenomenon". It was created by those who wanted to control the planet. This process was manual, but easy and simple. Most on Earth didn't realize this was happening until it was too late. They got the wool pulled over their eyes.

Those who created the distortion, live here on Earth within the distortion as well. And so they too are affected by it. They must also deal with the fear and confusion. However, they are more aware of it, and they know how to work with it, which gives them the advantage. This means that they know how to create fear and confusion for others, which gives them control, and in that control they are able to live in clarity.

What is the distortion and who created it

The distortion is the field or grid created on Earth to subject mass consciousness to fear, confusion, doubt, anger, etc. Many believe it was created by ET's like the grays or reptilians. I feel the ETs wanted to put a grid around the Earth, but weren't allowed to. So they hoped humans would get corrupted on their own... which we did. My feel is, the grid was created by humans, and was done so as a sort of game.

Some people enjoy watching others struggle and suffer, it brings pleasure and is a game. Others live in a lack mentality no matter how much they have. They are selfish and want to win at the expense of others. This also gives them a sense of security. If they can create the game, they can rig it in their favor. The distortion was created by individuals like these who were in power.

The distortion grid primarily affects humans. Animals and plants are not directly impacted by this grid. However, they are indirectly impacted by the humans trapped within the grid, who do not live consciously, and are brought up in a lack-mentality system that is rigged against them. This results in the destruction of plant life, and animal homes.

Distortions make it hard for us to see the truth here on Earth. This is why we don't always see the consequences of our actions across the whole "system". And it is also why we experience so much miscommunication as well. It's because everything is distorted. What others say, what they truly mean. "No good deed goes unpunished", is a result of the distortion. Even good deeds can be perceived by recipients as problems.

How to clear the distortions on Earth

The best way to deal with the distortion is to not focus on it too much. To refrain from getting caught up in the chaos. Chaos in and of itself, is not a bad thing. It is natural. It only becomes a "bad" thing, when it is manufactured.

If you would like to clear the distortion, the way to do so is to be the weakest link in the distortion. Meaning, live your life free of distortion.

Or as close to a life free of distortion as you can. Perfection is not needed here, and will drive you nuts if you try :D

Simply stay in the observer mode as much as possible, as you watch chaos and confusion being created around you. This doesn't mean that you don't care. It means that you won't get caught up in the polarization.

When you are the observer, when you are not overly emotionally engaged with a situation, you have mental clarity, and real solutions become more obvious to you. If you are one of the lightworkers who is committed to action, this is when you can act.

For others, staying the observer is also powerful. For you become the weakest link in the distortion. And the grid starts having holes in it, and weakening. This will cause more clarity to enter the distorted field and collective consciousness, which will awaken more people to access their wisdom, further creating weak links in the distortion field.

This continues until most are awakened, and the choice is up to each individual on whether they prefer to be connected to the 3D reality, or if they choose to live out of distortion. Most will choose to live free of distortion. This is when reality splits, where we continue to live here together, but we live differently. Neither is wrong or right. At the end of the day, it is our free will that decides which way to live.

When the distortion has been broken down enough, the collective will have the free will to decide. Until then, we are living in a distorted field most are not aware of. So they are not able to make their free will choice.

Large segments of the grid have been broken down. It may not appear that way with how things look in the physical realm. But the chaos at present is not all manufactured. Structures of society are starting to crumble as the grid crumbles. That's why it looks messy.

Large segments can continue to be broken down. A way to do this is to work in groups by doing a group meditation focused on destroying the grid. Positive intentions are usually best for energy work, but in this case, a focus on the grid being broken or released can serve as a good focus point.

Additionally, connecting with the Sun is a great way to break down your connection with the distorted energy grid, and therefore become that weakest link. Those who created the distorted energy grid on earth, also tried to create one around the Sun so they could control that as well. However, that grid didn't last long. Connecting with the Sun's power will help break the grid here as well.

To learn more about spirit guides go to the blog here, or go even deeper on spirit guides here.