2021 Predictions

After the rough 2020 we’ve had, I decided it would be worth a look into what is in store for us next year. So today I traveled to the spirit realm and looked into the ethers to see what I could find about 2021. And I saw a lot. Without further ado, here are my 2021 predictions.

Biden’s First Year of Presidency

It's no surprise that Biden's Presidency isn't going to be an easy one this year. With all the chaos that has happened over the previous 4 years, plus how poorly COVID was handled in the US this year, Biden will have a lot to clean up and deal with and will find it difficult to stay ahead of and on top of.

He will have some stumbles, but he will stay ahead of things. He will also learn that he doesn't need to do everything himself. He will delegate what should be delegated, to medical and other professionals. So people like Dr. Fauci for example, will have a bigger voice.

Jill Biden

Jill, Biden’s wife, is very smart. She has great ideas and great insight into complex situations. She will be an advisor of sorts as first lady. Different people will have different opinions about her. I don't know much about her, and I haven't ever seen any of her interviews. I didn't want it to cloud what I decided to share of my visions, so I'm going to watch a few of her interviews after writing and/or filming this. But my feel is, she is a nice personality, but also a stern / strict one, and maybe also a slightly cunning one. So we each will have our own opinion of her. She will have good intentions.

Her relationship with Joe is one where they each think for themselves. They advise each other, but they are their own persons. They listen to each other's advice, and consider it seriously, but neither feels obliged to just follow the other's guidance because of their relationship. They do what they individually think is right.

Kamala Harris

Kamala will play more of a behind the scenes role, which surprised me. I thought she would be more at the forefront. But while Joe is cleaning up the mess in the public arena, she will be tasked with working to rebuild on the backend side, rebuilding relationships with our allies.

Her work is very important work. It is about rebuilding with allies, but also about putting needed structures in place here in the US.

Our allies are a bit shaken. Even though we made the better choice this election, the fact that we didn't 4 years ago has them shaken about us, and not entirely sure where we're headed as a country. So rebuilding trust will take some time. Kamala is much better at relationship building than I give her credit for or have assumed of her.

Commodity Investments

Gold is going to do really well this year. It will skyrocket by mid-year, or around mid-year. June is what I am feeling. Buy gold before then, and buy things made of gold. Those who do that will do well. Silver was less clear, but my sense is it won't do as well.

Stock Market

The overall stock market will basically oscillate in its early 2021 range. The only major change will be a plummet in November 2021. Do not sell. Do buy more when it drops. It will rise back to early 2021 numbers after that. I am also getting a number, 157.80.

COVID Vaccine

There will be some problems associated with the vaccine that arise around May of 2021. The best time to take the vaccine is October 2021. The second best would be around July 2021. There may be some other issues between May and October with some of the batches. Some side effects, or it making some people sick.

Regarding vaccines, it's important to note that too much of a good thing is a problem. Don't over vaccinate. Take the single dose and keep moving, because it's all that you need. Also, it is not a good idea for countries or people to hoard vaccines. Some good regulation should really be in place for this.

If you must take it before May 2021, then that is ok. Again, just take it and move on with your life. Mind works over matter, so you will have a good chance at being fine.

Society Reintegration

People are going to have more freedom this year. It will be strange re-integrating. We won't always have our bearings, or know how to be free again. Some of us will still want to stay in our "cages." It'll be a transition period. There is nothing negative about it. Just important that we respect each others' comfort levels.

State of the Spiritual Union / Ascension

Many of us are very unsure about our futures. Not just because of COVID. But because our third eyes aren't open. So what we see in front of us is the distortion that we talked about in a previous post and video. We can't see what's right in front of us, even.

So this year, it is important that we all clear out our third eyes. Open them, or open them wider, depending on where you are. Eat food more consciously. Move away from meat products, towards veggie products. Most people eat meat purchased at stores. That meat comes from farms and slaughterhouses where the animals are abused in every way possible. These animals carry that stress, fear, anger, that holds us in the matrix, in their systems. That gets trapped in their cells, and deteriorates their DNA. And then we consume that, taking on their fear, and deteriorated DNA.

We talked in the past about getting close to the source to find the truth, to get past the illusions. What is the source of energy? It's the sun. Plants consume the sun. If you consume plants, you are as close to the original energy source as most of us can get at this time. But if you eat meat, there is the sun > plant > herbivore > carnivore > human. Instead of being one organism removed, you are now 3 organisms removed and much of that original energy source is depleted.

The New Class System / Great Divide and Disparity

I used to feel that it was ok that some weren't awakened, while others were. That we have different paths, personalities, interests. Everyone is connected to spirit so what does it matter if they call or work with it consciously. But I feel now that it really does matter. Many will not be awakened by the end of this year still. And this will be a problem, because there will really be a separation in how some are living and others are not, that will create a new disparity, almost a new class system in society.

There will be those who are awakened, who know how to work with the energies, how to see the paths most can't see in the distortion. They will be able to navigate the world much more easily, and therefore become more successful in it.

Then there will be those who have not awakened. They will be stuck in the distortion, unable to get out of it unless they choose to awaken. They will not achieve as much success in life as a result.

The new hierarchy won't be based on physical world manipulations and control. It will be based on how high you ascend. The higher you ascend, the higher your success in life.

Of course, those who have ascended won't look down on those below them. It won't be the same as it has been. But they will live in a separate world from those not awakened at all, each world out of touch with the other, like the 1% and the 99%.

So it's not a terrible problem. Those who aren't awakened will live as we have always lived. That's not so bad. But there will be an obvious divide. Two different classes / worlds. The unawakened will resent the awakened, but be and feel powerless unless they awaken.

Shifted Passions

Throughout this year, we have all been transforming whether we realize it or not. The things that interested you before, won't interest you as much. Or not in the same ways. For some of you who used to be more doers, for example, you may want to sit and experience just being more than doing. For others, your interests will shift entirely, you'll need to find new passions.

The Ocean and it’s Drops are all One and the Same

This year is an example of how the universe works. We are all having a collective experience, while also experiencing it on an individual level. We have all been living with coronavirus, but we have all been having different experiences. For some of us, not much in our life has changed. For others, we have seen close family and friends die at 30. Others have gotten very sick. Others have been fortunate to have mild or no symptoms. All the same virus, all unique experiences.


Something will come to light regarding technology around mid-year. 5-6 months in. There is a new way to program, or a new way that technology works or can work, that will come to light. It will make working with technology much easier for those in that field. Someone has been working on this for a while, at least 6 months. A male I feel. Possibly in Europe, or in the Oceania area.