Will it be worth it?

You have been working hard towards a goal, maybe to a point of exhaustion for some. You've gone above and beyond. Your desires, your results, everything you've been working for, are just around the corner. Only a few steps left to go. But right now it's time to rest.

As you do so, consider, will what you've been after be worth it? Is it really what you wanted, or is it what you thought you wanted? Will you still be able to truly enjoy the things you value in life, and to the extent you want? What have you, or what might you have to, give up for this desire?

There are many ways to achieve the happiness we seek. Some ways come at a cost of other happy things in our lives. Other paths allow us to have it all. Which path are you taking? One of temptation, or one of true fulfillment?

It's not too late to change course if needed. All will not be lost, even if it may appear that way on the surface. You learned valuable lessons and grew spiritually in the process. These are additions to your life that you will take with you wherever you go.

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