Can You Use Tea Bags for Tea Leaf Reading / Tasseography?

If you're interested in learning about the art of coffee ground or tea leaf reading, from pouring your cup of warm brew to reading the symbols, check out my article on tasseography here. You will love it :)

When it comes to tasseography, many will steer you away from cutting open a tea bag and using those leaves for your tea leaf reading. The reason being, the leaves aren't big enough to create the symbols and shapes for the reading.

In my experience, yes you can certainly use the leaves from a tea bag to do your tasseography reading. The trick with this is to look for symbols both in the tea leaf clumps, as well as in the spaces between the clumps.

I actually gave myself a wonderful tasseography reading earlier today using this method. I found butterflies, a four leaf clover, hearts, numbers, letters, a holy temple, and faces within my tea leaf sediments. It turned out to be quite the enlightening reading - with lots of guidance that I am on the right path, and that if I follow my heart regardless of whether it conflicts with the desires and projections of another, I will find the happiness and results I seek. Easier said than done of course :)

So the answer is, yes. You can do tasseography with tea leaves from a tea bag. You can use most teas of your choosing. The darker in color, the better. The leaves are smaller when they come in bags so darker leaves will make it easier to see the symbols.

You can get your tea bags from any nearby store. Or, if you like to shop online and want to support the site, here are some of my favorites. Warning: I'm about to geek out about teas :D

Bengal Spice is absolutely divine and magickal. It's not something you can't put into words. You'll understand when you try it!

Sleepy Time is very soothing, relaxing and great to drink before bed. Some people feel sleepy when they drink it. I don't notice that when I drink it. But I do feel my body relax, and I have noticed that I sleep much faster and better, and I wake up more refreshed and happy the next day.

Cinnamon Apple Spice is one I actually prefer to drink with plant-based milk. It gives it that extra creamy texture and it's like you're drinking apple pie! This isn't one I personally use for tea leaf reading, but it certainly can be used for that. And it's so good I couldn't resist recommending it.

Peppermint is amazing in general. But especially amazing when your throat could use some soothing, or you aren't feeling at your best. Sick days are some of my favorite days to sit with a warm cup of tea and relax while I decipher my future in the symbols left from my brew. When you can do nothing but sit and heal, there's no better activity than to tune into the magick around you, and in the steamy mug between your fingers.

Honey Lavender is great for stress relief. I certainly felty the benefits of this one from the first cup I tried. It kind of became my secret weapon, my special tea, that I would save for moments when I could use a deep breath. I love the Yogi brand. The teas come with little love notes at the end of each bag that make me smile.

Tension Tamer is one I'll have to update you in a few days. I just bought it and will be trying it soon. I can't wait! Update: I love this tea! My first time drinking it, I wasn’t so sure. I love licorice but was having a hard time enjoying that aspect of it at first. It immediately relieved my tension though, so I kept drinking it for that reason. Starting from my second cup I loved it and already bought some more! Sometimes it takes a few listens to like a song, and I guess a cup or two to find a beautiful tea!

Gingerbread Spice is one I'll have to let you know about in the near future. I haven't tried this one yet, but it is on my list.

My only word of advice when it comes to using tea leaves from tea bags for your tasseography is... in any tea leaf reading you aren't supposed to strain your tea. That would, of course, defeat the purpose of the tea leaf reading as there will be no tea leaves in your tea to read.

When you are using the smaller, finer tea leaves from a tea bag, your tea will be full of little specks of tea all floating at the top. As you drink it, you will be drinking some... ok many... of those leaves as well. Which is… fun. I often use a spoon to separate the tea leaves from my sip. It is by no means a perfect method. You will have tea leaves in your teeth after... so make sure to rinse your mouth or brush your teeth once your tea session is done if you plan to go out! Wouldn't want to scare away that lovely date you were just doing a tasseography reading on =P

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