Does Chakra Healing Really Work?

Chakra healing is an excellent form of holistic treatment, which means it focuses on treating the whole person as opposed to just focusing on the symptoms of a problem. Just like when most anything is in balance, that system operates at its best - same goes for chakras. When the chakras are in balance, the body, mind, and emotions are able to function at their best. This is why chakra healing can be such an effective form of treatment.

There are many different ways a healer can perform chakra healing. And if you are trying healing on yourself, there are also a number of different techniques that can be used for chakra healing, including visualization, meditation, and aromatherapy. Some people also use crystals, gemstones, or other objects to help clear blockages in the chakras. However, there is no technique that is said to be more effective than any others, so choose what you have access to and what feels most enjoyable and helpful for you.

I primarily use visual meditations as well as guided ones for healing myself. You can try out one of my deep healing visual affirmation chakra meditations by listening to the one below. I have other chakra meditations on my YouTube channel, as well as other guided meditations that can help with a variety of goals such as manifesting success, desires, life partners, etc. which you can access by joining the newsletter on my homepage here. When healing clients, I do so through deep energy conversations and some touch as well.

My clients and I find that we have a greater sense of relief, clarity, deeper sense of inner peace, and several of my clients have also manifested monetary abundance. Wherever you are on your chakra healing journey, I hope you dive deeper. It is like an onion, the more layers you peel, the more you uncover, and also the more you BEcome. And what a beautiful journey it all is.