How Chakra Healing Works + Free Guided Chakra Meditation

A sudden flood of positive, encouraging thoughts around things I was stressing about only days before filled every corner of my brain as I was showering this morning. I now felt lighter, more hopeful, incredibly clear minded, and ready to take on the day with whatever action was required.

As these powerful thoughts and feelings started to settle in my system, now clearly here to stay and becoming a part of me and my identity, I thought about what could have caused this. And I realized, there was only one thing I had changed in the past week.

I had created, and then listened to a deep healing chakra meditation 3x times that week. Though I could feel shifts happening in my body as I listened to meditation (perks of being clairsentient), that was all I felt. Shifts in my body, some fleeting mood changes for the better. Aside from that, life went on as it always did. I went on as I always did.

Yet as the days went by, these shifts in the energetic body made their way through the body until they now impact my feelings and thoughts. Permeating all aspects of who I am, all layers of my body.

How Chakra Healing Works

And that is the power of chakra healing. It takes a holistic approach, even a broad approach. It focuses not on the specific ailments or symptoms we may experience - feeling of fear, tiredness, depression, physical pain. Rather, it focuses on the whole energy body, the auric field, and what is needed most.

Sometimes chakra healings that I perform on others takes us to unexpected places. We may be focusing the healing on how they can bring in more abundance, but the healing takes us to clearing out hidden shadows and pains around the passing of their sister.

Something that seems so unrelated on the surface, to our conscious minds. Yet truly interconnects into everything. When that is cleared, the abundance can flow.

You see, healings take us where the healing is needed most. That is how it works.

Free Deep Chakra Healing Meditation

If you would like to try for yourself the latest chakra healing meditation I created, and see what blessings it brings into your life, allowing it to flow wherever it needs to in your auric field, bringing up whatever gunk you have in your system that needs your awareness and clearing, you can do so by listening here.

This chakra healing meditation focuses on all chakras in just 20 minutes. I recommend you listen to it a few times this week. Maybe even a few times in one day. And just feel what comes up in your energy body.

My meditations are holistic, just as chakra healing is. They include deep energy work, subconscious visuals, and sound of voice. You can also use your hands to touch each chakra point as the meditation guides you.

Your Own Chakra Healing Meditation Practice

One of the ways chakra healing works is by using touch to unblock your chakras, which are the energy centers of your body. By unblocking these chakras you can remove blockages that cause physical and mental illness. You can then go on to work on restoring balance within each of these seven energy centers, ultimately creating a state where you are healthy and at peace with yourself.

Chakra healing originated in India thousands of years ago, but it was not until the late 19th century that chakra healing began to be embraced formally by the medical community. If chakra healing sounds interesting to you, there is a simple method you can try at home.

To begin chakra healing touch each of the seven chakras along the front of your body starting from the bottom and working your way up. As you do this focus on the negative energy you feel inside your body. Imagine the energy leaving your body through a wave of light, and then in turn imagine white light filling your body with positive energy in its place. Continue this process until you have reached the top chakra at the top of your head.

Once completed imagine the white light energy entering your body through the base of your spine and working its way upwards to the top of your head again. You can do this practice once a day or even before you go to bed at night for best results.

Chakra healing has existed for thousands of years, but has not yet caught on widely amongst the populace. While this treatment is not very widespread at this time there are some who swear by it, and if you are interested in learning more about this alternative treatment, it is certainly worth trying out the meditations above.