Channeled Message for the Collective Through 9 Card Tarot Spread Reading!

Empowering message for the collective below!

One of my favorite spreads is the 9 card spread, read either with Lenormand or tarot, and even Kipper and Oracle cards.

Why? Because it's so incredibly holistic. You take a topic, and it gives so much in return. The intricacies and interweaving of factors all intertwined.

I love the 9 card spread, and the grand tableau too! Which is like the ultimate 9 card spread in a way as it uses 36 cards to read it! Here's our collective message using the 9 card.

We are moving forwards on our journey, knowing there is much in front of us, but still with hope in our hearts. That hope is not misplaced. We have value to others and the world, and it's our time, our turn, to give it. The seeds we have planted, the things we've tried, the hard work we have invested, is all about to pay off. We no longer have to live holding onto the little we thought we had. We are free. Free to live, free to create, free to be. And all of this is because we carried on, because we pushed through, because we ignored the signs that tried to feed us doubt.

We took our blindfolds off and realized there was no decision to make, there was nothing truly holding is back. Aside from letting ourselves believe the voices of doubt and discouragement from within and without. But it's clear now, there was never a choice. There is only one path forward, and it's to our destiny.

We can handle anything that comes our way, no matter how treacherous it may seem. Always knowing we've handled it countless times before, we're experts and it's almost easy for us now.

The patterns of doubt and low self worth that once trapped us are letting go of their grip. No - WE'RE letting go of our grip on THEM.

We may have been alone through this, or spent time in solitude. But it only made us stronger, wiser, and more in control than we ever could have been without it.

It's time to give so we no longer need to hold on. It's time to create so we can grow.

We always had so much to give. We were just told otherwise. And now it's time to reap the results. We know who we are.

I'm open for readings right now! You can book one here at my Etsy shop. And if you're interested in a 9 card reading, or even a Grand Tableau, you can get them here too!

Get your Reading from My Etsy Shop here!

Book a 9 card tarot reading with me here!

Book a Grand Tableau Lenormand reading with me here!

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