Are light codes real?

Many people new to spirituality, new age, and light codes wonder if light codes are real, or if this is all gobbledy-gook. I'll cut to the chase and give you the answer - yes, light codes are real. While it may seem like a stretch to some, you'll soon see how this makes sense.

Our DNA is the template of our physical body, down to the unique fingerprints on the tips of our fingers and toes. These fingerprints can be used to identify anyone, we carry this unique signature with us everywhere we go, and we transmit them onto every object we touch without even thinking about it.

But we are more than our physical bodies. So much more. We'll get into that in a second. But now think about not just your physical body and fingerprints... but WHO you are.

You are an individual personality made up of unique experiences, interests, talents, and memories. There is no one who contains your unique fingerprints, and also no one who is just like you. There has never been anyone exactly like you before, and there will never be anyone exactly like you once you move on from this form and lifetime.

Everything is energy, including ourselves. And we emit an auric field, now getting recognized by the medical community and termed bioelectromagnetic field. While this part is still new to the modern-day medical world, this field comes from our chakra system. This is where our talents, interests, passions come from. This is our essence.

Just as we have DNA that generates our physical body, down to our unique fingerprints - so too do our chakras generate our unique light codes and soul essence. Our energetic fingerprint.

The healthier we treat our body, the healthier our DNA, and the healthier our physical body, our physical expression in the world. Similarly, the more in alignment our chakras, the more powerful our bioelectromagnetic field, and the more powerful our energetic fingerprints (light codes) in the world.

The more powerful our auric field, the easier it is for us to attract our desires, connect with our guides, find wholeness and fulfillment, and connect with our true essence, passions, and gifts.

If you would like to activate your own chakras, auric field, and receive a light code activation, come join my light codes activation & spiritual awakening course for lightworkers here where we will do just that. You will receive the light codes you need in order to activate your own unique ones that you are here to share with the world. In doing so, we are able to experience a higher level of consciousness, commune more closely with our angels and spirit guides, connect with our divine nature, and share our divine gifts with ourselves and others.