What kundalini awakening feels like

The Mystical Awakening of Kundalini

Kundalini awakening is a mystical and transformative experience that can completely shift your perception of reality. This awakening occurs when the dormant energy located at the base of the spine, known as Kundalini energy, rises up and activates all seven chakras. Kundalini awakening has been described as a journey into the unknown, filled with intense energy, emotions, and spiritual revelations. In this blog post, we will explore what kundalini awakening feels like and how it can affect your life. This guide is intended for twin flames and lightworkers who are on a mission to awaken their consciousness and find their true purpose in life.


At the beginning of a kundalini awakening, you may feel a sudden surge of energy that starts at the base of your spine and travels upwards like an electrical current. This energy can be intense and overwhelming, causing physical sensations such as heat, pressure, and even pain. You may also experience emotional turmoil, ranging from euphoria to fear and dread. The activation of the chakras can also produce vivid dreams, images, and visions that can be confusing and difficult to interpret.

As the kundalini energy continues to rise, you may experience physical symptoms such as tingling, vibrations, and shaking. These physical sensations can be accompanied by feelings of bliss, peace, and deep contentment. You may also find that your intuition and psychic abilities become heightened, allowing you to perceive things beyond the physical realm.

The process of kundalini awakening is not just limited to physical and emotional changes. It can also lead to profound spiritual transformations. Many people report feeling a deep connection to the divine and a heightened sense of oneness with all living things. This increased spiritual awareness can lead to a sense of purpose and a desire to serve others. You may find that you are drawn to a particular spiritual practice or path, or that you are inspired to use your gifts to help others in some way.

The kundalini awakening process can be a long and challenging journey, but it is ultimately a transformative and enlightening experience. It can help you tap into your inner power and wisdom, and connect with the divine in a profound way. If you are going through a kundalini awakening, it is important to seek support from others who have gone through a similar experience. Twin flames and lightworkers can find comfort and guidance in each other, as they navigate this mystical journey together.

In conclusion, a kundalini awakening can completely transform your life and help you uncover your true purpose in the world. It is a journey that requires patience, perseverance, and a deep commitment to inner growth and spiritual development. If you are experiencing a kundalini awakening, take comfort in knowing that you are not alone. Reach out to others who are going through a similar experience and seek guidance from spiritual teachers and healers who can help you navigate this transformative journey. Remember to trust the process, listen to your intuition, and embrace the mysteries of life with an open heart and mind.

If you would like more support during your spiritual or kundalini awakening and to connect to your own unique mission in this lifetime, learn more here.