There’s an undeniable shift happening in the world right now. You can feel it in the air, in the news, in the way life itself seems to be accelerating toward something unknown. For many, it feels like we’re on the edge of collapse, standing before a great divide with no clear way forward. But what if this isn’t an ending? What if it’s a transformation?
This message came through with clarity and urgency, offering insight into the deeper shifts occurring beneath the surface of our daily lives. It speaks of upheaval, of hidden truths being revealed, of a future that demands our highest selves. It reminds us that we are not passive observers of this moment. We are here for a reason, called to step into our own power as conscious co-creators of what comes next.
Read on, and take these words into your heart. The world is shifting, but you were made for this.
The Winds of Change: A Channeled Message for This Pivotal Time
The world is traveling forward at hurtling speeds. It can feel scary, daunting. It feels like you are about to hit a brick wall, then total collapse. Or years to recover. It feels like things are ending, life is over.
These feelings you have are all related to death. Yet, after death comes transformation.
There is much that will be transformed. Your world is shifting beneath your feet. But not in a way that will make you fall through a trench, or a chasm caused by an earthquake. It is shifting in a way that settles the earth, settles the ground beneath your feet when all is said and done.
This will not be the only time such a shake up happens. There will be another in 20 years time. That one will test the foundation we have made during our current awakening and purge. It will make sure that any holes and flaws are seen and fixed. So that we will have equality for all.
Equality for all meaning, equality for ALL. Not just individuals in particular countries. But for the whole world. Truly seeing each other - not your physical features of color, height, gender, hair. But instead, of truly seeing each other's light, each other's soul, each other's essence. Connecting to each other in a way you could not before.
The ride will be rough. It will not be easy. There are more hurdles that will be thrown at you. More moves made that will make you feel shocked, and in awe. More embarrassments to witness and feel.
There will be more to come regarding your financial systems and technologies that will feel unsettling. There are hidden agendas that will become more clear. And there will be more contact with ETs - not all friendly.
Who you come into contact with, regarding other beings, will depend a great deal on your vibration. Are you eating the right foods? Are you getting enough sleep? Are you focusing on activism, whatever that may look like to you? Are you building communities of other well-meaning individuals? Are you helping each other, banding together, providing financial aid when needed? Are you being the best human you can be? Are you stepping up to your best self?
This is the time for it. This is the time to really show up as the best you that you can. You have been preparing for this your whole life. Lifetimes in fact. It's time to wake up and act from an inner authority that is focused on truth.
Till our next chat.