Cynicism is just a step on the way to hope and change

Here is an expanding your consciousness tip of the day!

Cynicism is just a step on the way to hope and change. 

When we have a negative experience in our personal lives, hear about something that happened to a loved one, or see some of the hurt that is present in our world, it can be easy to embody the more cynical aspects of ourselves. 

Later, when we look back, we can be too quick to dismiss that "phase" we went through as just a "dark time" we want to put behind us.

When we see a Facebook rant while scrolling through our news feed, or are spending time with a more cynical friend, we do the same. We dismiss them as being too negative, annoying, just someone you don't want to hear from or be around. They're a drag. 

Instead, we should embrace the "phase" we, or they, are in. 

A cynical person isn't someone who is filled with hate. They are someone who is filled with love and compassion, but don't yet know how to channel it

They are in transition to hope, and then on to being able to make real change, whether energetic or physical. They are growing and growth should be nurtured so it develops into something positive. For them, as well as all of consciousness. 

The next time you feel angry at the world or have a loved one who is in that mentality, be kind and loving for where you or they are in their journey. This doesn't mean you have to agree with their view. It only means that you appreciate they are on a journey to more productive thoughts and actions. 

Great things can happen when we embrace those "negative" aspects of our cycles and love them as much as we love the "positive" aspects. 

Appreciating the negative allows that cynicism to transmute into understanding. In understanding we can find real solutions that benefit others. Hating cynicism causes it to bury in deeper and stay as it is. We achieve little when there is no growth of perspective.

In many cases, that growth couldn't have happened without that previous step in cynicism. 

Cynicism comes from illumination of problems we didn't know existed and required solutions.

What seems logical to one may seem irrational to another. And vice versa. It is only when you get an understanding of what went through someone's head, that you are able to understand what led them from A to B. Their logic may not have been sound. But understanding the mental path they took provides insight that can now lead to ideas and solutions that bring about changed behaviors and outcomes.

How can you change thinking, when you do not know what led someone to that thinking? This applies equally to our own thoughts.

If you could choose to be born at any time in our history without knowing what your race, gender, religion, or country would be, most of you would choose today. It is the best time for the most number of people. 

Let's keep the momentum going. NO, let's enhance it. Let's enhance it by taking the next step in our evolution: compassion that fosters growth.