How to Find Your Purpose

How to Find Your Purpose Trishna

I've been thinking for a few days now about what my next post should be. Ideas have come to mind but nothing felt quite "right."

Until a few mornings ago when it occurred to me that my most recent two posts - one on the beauty of cynicism and another on curing loneliness - are really two aspects of the same conversation.

Finding your purpose in life.

Awakening to what angers you, and what makes you feel whole. Both of these lead to the same end result, your soul purpose.

We are all unique expressions of the same underlying consciousness. Our personal expression is expressed through our individual values, views, actions and decisions.

Our values and views are our purpose. How we want to share our purpose with our audience - the actions and decisions we make - is our mission. And how we express why this purpose and mission matter, is our message.

We are multi-faceted beings and so it can be difficult to pin point all that we are to just a purpose or two. We all embody the totality of consciousness, after all. That's a lot to try to nail down to just a few bullet points!

But even though we are all in one and one in all, we didn't come here to fight every battle, to support every cause. The universe does all of that through its expansiveness.

We chose to come here as unique, individual expressions. We chose to be more focused. And so we took on more focused forms like these defined bodies.

Hi there! In this 2 part video we talk about why having a purpose is so crucial to living a happy and fulfilled life - and how you can find yours. Part 2/Healing & Activation to Find Your Purpose: How to cure loneliness: Free course: For personalized healings, go here: What happens to us in a consumer society: And add me on snapchat!

So how do we take the entirety of who we are, and boil it down to what we came here to focus on? How do we find what makes this expression we came here to share really sing?

Watch this video for more on finding your purpose! 

That is where embracing our cynicism and taking alone time when we feel lonely come into play. They seem like unlikely candidates for us to unearth our purpose. I love Einstein, but every once in a while the simplest answer isn't the right one ;)

We become cynical when we see something that shakes us to our core. It rattles us so much, we find it hard to shake off. We want to share our discontent with everyone around us. When we can't help but share, that means we have found one of our core values.

But it is not enough to share our cynicism. That is only a piece of the puzzle. Our cynicism shows us where our purpose and values lie, but it is not the value or purpose itself.

Our purpose is the more enlightened view of our cynicism. How do you take the more enlightened view? You make peace with the cynicism, then you look at the opposite of what upset you.

If you are upset about animal cruelty, then your purpose is to create a world that shows kindness to our fellow beings.

If you detest lying, then your purpose is to promote more honest ways of communicating and being.

How you go about showing kindness to our fellow beings or promoting honesty is your mission. Maybe you want to educate your audience through courses, Facebook lives or YouTube videos. Maybe you want to report on the issues as a journalist. Maybe you want to create a group of like-minded individuals to inspire and support them in fulfilling a similar purpose. Or maybe you simply want to live by example.

What helps us define who we are, what our purpose is, and our mission, is our message.

Our message is how we express why our purpose and mission are so critical. It is how we engage and share our hearts with our audience.

When we feel lonely and take the less followed approach of meditating and exploring ourselves, we connect with our core happiness. We receive impulses and next steps that excite us, and inspirations of how we can make the world, our lives, our families, better.

From there we can take the enlightened view and find our purpose. Maybe in your meditation you realize you keep living the same patterns or making the same mistakes. Those insights spark solutions or lead you to resources that change your life. As you transform into the new you, you want others who are ready to change thrive just as you did. And so you have found your purpose.

How you choose to help your audience is your mission. Your message is why it matters and the story of your own transformation.

Without an internal fire that lights us up, we are subject to the whims of the highs and lows of life around us. A purpose adds meaning and weight to our lives. It gives us something to strive for, to get excited about and to move us forward no matter what else is going on around us.

Take some time to ask yourself the following:

What riles you up so much you can't stop reading, thinking or talking about it? What themes or ideas come up in your meditations and alone time?

What is the enlightened view of those topics?

What do you want to do about it? How do you want to spread your values or inspire action with the people who it would matter most to?

Why is this topic so important to you? And why should it be important to your audience?

I look forward to where you go from here on your journey to living the best, most connected, version of yourself and life. For more on how to do that, be sure to check out my Find Your Purpose Page