Starseeds & Lightworkers

Understanding Your Lightworker Role: Gift or Calling?

Understanding Your Lightworker Role: Gift or Calling?

Have you always felt like you have a special purpose on this planet? Do you feel that you are here to help raise the collective consciousness and heal the world? If so, then you may be a lightworker. Being a lightworker is not just a label or a title, it is a calling. Lightworkers are the earth angels sent to spread love, positivity, and light in this world.

In this post, we will discuss all that it means to be a lightworker and how you can identify if you possess these traits, understand how to embrace your role, and use your gifts to fulfill your mission.

Your Wishes Are Granted, Lion's Gate Portal 2023 Guided Meditation & Ceremony

The Lion's Gate Portal has been open for about a week, but is at it's peak today 8/8! It will continue to stay open for the next week or so.

This is an important portal to ask, not only for abundance in any and all areas of your life, but also for transformation in your life. Why?

Because this year's 8/8 portal has a personal day number of 5, the number of freedom and transformation! So any intentions you set regarding transformation will be extra potent!

Come set intentions with me for Lion's Gate where we will discuss the Sirius Star system, receive Lion's Gate transmissions, pull oracle cards, and travel to a sacred jungle to set intentions and receive light code activations with a Sirian emissary.