Do Spirit Guides Lie?

You may have encountered situations where you relied on guidance from your spirit guides. Whether it's a life-changing decision or a minor choice, your intuition can lead you to a path that aligns with your higher purpose. However, have you ever wondered if spirit guides lie? Can they be wrong in their guidance? In this blog post, we will debunk myths and explore the truth behind trusting your intuition.

How Spirit Guides Communicate – Discovering the Messages They Share

How Spirit Guides Communicate – Discovering the Messages They Share

As a lightworker or Starseed, have you ever felt a gentle presence surrounding you? Or perhaps, you see repeating numbers or symbols that seem to follow you wherever you go? If so, it's highly likely that you have received signs or messages from your spirit guides. These guide us on our life journey and help us lead a fulfilling life. One thing that's important to understand is how they communicate. In this blog post, we'll dive deep into how spirit guides communicate and what these messages mean.

What are spirit guides?

What are spirit guides?

Have you ever felt like there was an invisible force guiding you from within? Or have you often experienced synchronicities and signs that seemed too coincidental to be just chance? Chances are, you might have had interactions with your spirit guides. In this blog post, we’ll dive deeper into what spirit guides are, how to connect with them, and how they can help you in your spiritual journey.

4 Things You Must Know to Manifest the Life of Your Dreams Pisces Full Moon Supermoon!

This Pisces full moon is extra potent!

  • We are amidst much cosmic chaos with not 1, not 2… but 7 planets in retrograde.

  • This full moon is the second full moon in one month.

  • And it is a supermoon!

The best way to manifest is to understand the lessons of the cosmos, and align ourselves to its guidance and wisdom!

When we align to the planets we align to the universe; when we align to the universe, we align to our desires!

Please enjoy this Full Moon in Pisces ceremony where we discuss the 4 Things You Must Know to align with the cosmic energies and therefore manifest your desires! You won’t want to miss it!

Why spiritual awakenings are important

Why spiritual awakenings are important

Spiritual awakening is an essential part of personal growth and can lead to a transformative, life-changing experience. It is the process of becoming aware of our spiritual nature and connecting with our higher self. In our busy and fast-paced lives, we often overlook our spiritual needs, but through a spiritual awakening, we can find purpose, inner peace, and happiness. This blog post will explore the reasons why spiritual awakening is so important and the benefits of embarking on this journey.

Why Spiritual Awakenings are So Painful

Why Spiritual Awakenings are So Painful

Spiritual awakening has been experienced by many people around the world. It is often seen as a journey or a process of awakening to one's true self, their inner light, and a deep understanding of what life is really about. However, it is not a walk in the park. It can be a painful and challenging process that requires an individual to face their fears, limiting beliefs, and emotional wounds from the past.

In this blog post, we will explore why spiritual awakening is so painful and how you can navigate this process with bravery, self-compassion, and a deep understanding of the benefits that come with it. This may be just the start of your journey to spiritual awakening, so buckle up, and let's get started.

Why do spiritual awakenings happen?

Why do spiritual awakenings happen?

Have you ever felt lost, stuck, or disconnected with your true self? It could be an indication that you are in the midst of a spiritual awakening. Spiritual awakenings are deeply personal and profound experiences that can happen unexpectedly. You may feel a sense of awakening or enlightenment that transforms your perspective, beliefs, and lifestyle. In this blog post, we will delve deeper into the reasons why spiritual awakenings happen, the signs of spiritual awakening, and the benefits of embracing this soulful journey.

Your Starseed Awakening: A Mystic's Guide

Your  Starseed Awakening: A Mystic's Guide

Are you a lightworker, starseed, or priestess who feels like you don't quite belong in this world? Do you find yourself yearning for something more, something beyond what you see in front of you? If so, you may be experiencing an awakening as a starseed. In this blog post, we will explore what starseeds are, how to awaken to your starseed purpose, and what it means to be a starseed in these transformative times.

Knowing the Lightworker Within You: A Guide to Unleashing Your Spiritual Powers

Knowing the Lightworker Within You: A Guide to Unleashing Your Spiritual Powers

Are you someone who feels like they have a greater purpose in life, but can't seem to put a finger on what it is? Do you feel drawn towards helping others and spreading love and light wherever you go? Or maybe you are experiencing an inner awakening that has led you to seek a higher understanding of yourself and the world around you. In any case, it's highly possible that you are a lightworker. In this guide, we will explore the key traits of a lightworker and some tips on how to unleash your spiritual powers.

Leo New Moon - Time to Find Your New Throne

Happy New Moon in Leo. This is a time when you may feel lost on your journey. Unsure of what to call into your life next, or where to go. Completely drawing a blank on your vision for your future.

Not to worry! In this Leo New Moon video we discuss all of that and more! Including how this is a SECOND potent MANIFESTATION portal! Be sure to watch the video to learn how to best harness it’s energies and call in your desires.

Please enjoy the guided meditation where you will meet with your higher self and receive guidance on your vision, and where to go next on your journey ✨