Why you aren't manifesting what you want, and how to fix it

If you’ve been reciting affirmations diligently, visualizing, building vision boards or trying any other method to change your reality to no avail, this post is for you.

It can be frustrating to see others manifesting their desires while you seem to be trapped in your circumstances. You know you can create your reality, you’ve done it before, or at the very least, you’ve seen others do it. What gives? What are you doing wrong? Why isn’t it working for you?


If you have shaped your reality before and understand your power to create, there are probably one to two things going on here that are holding you back which we will break down into four simple steps.

Step 1: Align

The first question you need to ask yourself is, what are you trying to manifest? The next question should be, is this something you still want?

Photo by fotografierende


A lot of times our image of what a happy, successful future looks like, is the same image we created years ago. For example, you may have wanted to work for a prestigious consulting firm where you have to dress nice all day because that is what you were told was the definition of success.


But after working a few years in corporate for a retail corporation, a part of you deep down inside may now crave more freedom. You may think you still want a prestigious consulting job because it has been ingrained in your head since childhood, but your experience in other roles has refined your taste, and your soul (more specifically your Higher Self) wants something different.


So when you again apply for those consulting jobs, or follow up with your network, you may keep running into dead ends. You get close, but never really quite make it. You try every angle, yet nothing seems to budge.


What gives is: you are working against yourself. You are chasing after an old version of a perfect reality. But as we go through life and learn through our own experiences, we don’t just grow as a person. We don’t just grow in our wisdom. Our dreams grow with us whether you have been paying attention or not.


So the first step is to figure out what you want today. What is your version of a happy, successful life today? Not what you used to think it was. What it is now.


If you don’t get on the same page as your Higher Self, you will be working against yourself and that will get you where you’ve already gotten. Nowhere. Your Higher Self wants what will truly make you happy. Not what you think will make you happy based off of things you have been taught, opinions you have heard, limited information, or assumptions you are making.


Your Higher Self doesn’t just known what you want. It knows the best way to get there. Your physical form is like a piece in the middle of a chaotic chessboard. You can only see a few steps ahead of you, if even that. Your Higher Self isn’t just you, it’s the whole you. It sees the whole playing field, all the other pieces, all the options, strategies, tactics, everything. Trust it.

Step 2: Trust

Why should you trust it, you ask? Because your Higher Self isn’t just the whole you, it is the best, happiest version of you. It is the version of you who has everything you ever dreamed of. It’s living the reality you desire, but it’s living it in the spirit realm. Listen to it, and you can live that dream in the physical realm.

Step 3: Listen

How do you listen to your Higher Self, you ask? By finding a quiet place where you feel comfortable and at home, and setting aside 20-30 minutes a day to do just that – listen. In other words, meditate.


I won’t go into detail on methods here, but if you need some ideas, or convincing of why meditation is so important, we cover all that and more in Day 4 of my free 5 day empath survival course. The tips are useful for anyone, empath or not. Basically, you can do any meditation that quiets your mind.


In these quiet moments, or if you are following your breath, then in those focused moments, thoughts will start to seep in. Some will be distractions. But pay attention. Because your Higher Self will take any opening to speak to you it gets. So not all of those thoughts will be distractions. As you practice, soon enough, many of those thoughts will be answers to your questions, nudges in the right direction, ideas you haven’t considered. Sometimes you will see signs in your reality after you ended your meditation and are out and about in the world. All of these are your Higher Self speaking, so just listen : )


So now you’ve listened. Maybe you want all the same things you wanted before. Maybe you are starting to piece together an updated version of what your life can be. Either way, you’re on the right track.


This brings us to the second thing that may be holding you back. You have listened, but how do you bring to the physical, the dream life your Higher Self is living in the spiritual?


Those nudges, ideas, signs and answers you receive in your meditation will get you there. But if you need an extra boost there is something else that may be holding you back.

Step 4: Clear the Path 

You can have everything you dream of and more. But from our position as a piece on a chess board, it can be hard at times to believe that is possible. From our perspective on the game board, there are obstacles, battles, struggles, setbacks, and cross roads.


Each of these hurdles affect our ability to believe a better future is on the horizon for us. That what we desire can truly be ours. That doubt, the anger from those struggles, the sadness from the setbacks, the confusion from the cross roads, all of this creates blocks that keep us from that end result we desire.


But while our desire can often seem many steps away or easily thwarted, the blocks are often just a step or two in our way. That makes them things we can manage.


So when you create those affirmations, visualizations and vision boards, don’t just create it around the end result. Create affirmations that address those blocks. Visualize better out comes for each of those blocks.


If you want more clients for your business, they certainly can and will come. But if you are still uncertain about your offers or your target audience or you fear getting on a call and having to sell to them, work on each of those as well. Clear these blocks so you can open the pathway so your end result, end desire can flow right to you. (For more on how to do this, be sure to check out this post on how to create affirmations that actually work).


Create affirmations about being clear on your offers and audience. Create affirmations about being confident in your own value and worth so you get excited about talking to potential clients. Visualize how it would feel to work with an audience you love and who you understand. Visualize having successful sales calls and how well you express what you do.


Anything is possible, it’s all about knowing what it is we truly want by listening to our Higher Selves, then paying attention to the fears and hesitations we have so we can nurture and release them, and finally sitting back as the path is cleared and our desires come straight to us.