How to create affirmations & intentions that actually work

It can be frustrating to spend your time reciting affirmations that seem to have no impact on your life. On top of not getting the results you set out to achieve, you have also lost valuable time that could have been spent focusing on affirmations that could have changed things for you. This is why it’s so important to understand HOW to set affirmations and intentions that actually work so you get the results you want and save time.

There are a few different reasons why we focus on affirmations that don’t help us. In my last article we talked about two reasons why you aren’t manifesting your intentions/desires and how to fix it. Today we’re going to go into more depth on how to set your intentions so you aren’t working against yourself.


If you haven’t already, read my previous article first to see the two reasons why you aren’t manifesting what you want. This is important foundation information. The issues we cover in that article must be understood before this article can benefit you. After reading that article, come back here to learn what you can do about it!


Now that you’re back, it’s time to get to work on creating affirmations that will serve you. From the previous article, you know that the first reason your affirmations and visualizations aren’t working is because you are likely working against yourself. You also know that the first step is to get on the same page with your Higher Self on what you truly desire today.


Once you are on the same page about what you truly want for your life deep down, it is time to create affirmations and visualizations around them so you can bring them into physical manifestation. It isn’t enough to be on the same page as your Higher Self about what you desire, you also need to work with your Higher Self on how to take that desire and put it into a focused intention.


So now that you are on the same page and know what it is you truly want, how do you set those intentions so that you are in alignment with your Higher Self?


You first need to write down what it is that you want. Then take that desire and go broader. Why broader? You need to give your mind the room to accept possibilities that you aren’t yet aware of, but that your Higher Self sees and knows would match what you are looking for beyond what you could have imagined for yourself. This is how true creation is done, the physical you working in partnership with the greater you in spiritual form.


Let’s take our example from the last article. As a teen or young adult you grew up being told that success means having a fancy job at a prestigious consulting firm, dressing up nice and working 9-5, often more, in cube world.


But after school you land a job at the corporate headquarters of a major retail company. It isn’t a prestigious consulting firm, but it is a 9-5 corporate job that requires you to dress well each day. After a few years of this you aren’t satisfied. You think you aren’t satisfied or truly successful because you haven’t landed yourself that prestigious consulting role yet. So you set your sights again on getting yourself into a firm because you think that is the answer to your problems.


But on your quest to land that consulting gig, you hit obstacle after obstacle, dead end after dead end. It’s like the universe is blocking you from fulfilling your dreams! It’s frustrating, you don’t know what you’re doing wrong and you begin to think you may need to settle for your “less successful” corporate retail job.


Then you read my last article and you decide to sit down to listen to your Higher Self and see what it is that you truly desire deep down. As you listen you start to realize that yes, you do want more for yourself than your current role, but you also want freedom. You want more freedom over your schedule and you don’t actually like having to dress so proper every day. You want the freedom to wear what feels more comfortable to you.


You realize that this is why you are being blocked from a consulting role. Because it would give you the opposite of everything you truly crave deep down! You would have to dress even fancier than you do today, not more relaxed. You would have even less freedom over your schedule because you would be traveling every week and forced to be on client sites for longer hours because your client is paying for your time/hours and your firm gets paid more if you work more of those hours.


You come to terms with having to redefine what success means to you. Not to the well-meaning people in your life who taught you success was found at a consulting firm.


So now you know you want something more prestigious than the company you are at now, but you also want freedom over your schedule and how you dress.


You may not know what kind of company or job could give you that so you’re just going to set a general intention for yourself. Or you may believe that a tech company like Google would be a good fit because you can wear what you want, it certainly is prestigious and you’ve heard that they have flexible options like being able to work on your own projects 20% of the time.


Either way, whether you know what company fits the bill or not, you are working this out too much with your conscious mind. You need to involve your greater mind, and that comes from consulting with your Higher Self, who you trust completely because you read my previous article on what your Higher Self is and what advantages it brings to the table.


So, you sit down to work with your Higher Self on how to take that updated desire and create the best affirmation and/or visualization. When you do this, it is important to be broad and to be open to what suggestions you are given.


When you ask your Higher Self for the affirmation or intention, you could ask what affirmation you should create to get you into Google. But Google may not be the best fit and you may be working against yourself yet again. While Google may allow for 20% of your time spent on personal projects, that 20% may come from having to work 100 hours instead of 40 or 50. You don’t know the details of every situation the way your Higher Self does.

As a result, it is much more effective to ask what affirmation you can use to give you a job that is prestigious, but allows for freedom of schedule and attire, as that is the truest essence of what you are looking for.


If you have a preference for Google, your Higher Self already knows this. But instead of trying to force things hoping to get just about any job at Google because you think Google is the answer, your Higher Self will work to get you the right job at Google, or at a different company where you will be much happier.


When you have this broader conversation with your Higher Self, you will receive your affirmation and/or visualization. It may not make sense and seem unrelated. This is where you need to be open to the suggestion. If it doesn’t make sense how what you are seeing/hearing relates to your desire, ask for clarification on why.


I have a client who is stressed about her job. It is overwhelming, she doesn’t feel like she is performing and she wonders whether she will be able to keep her job. I am quite effective at tea magick so I asked her Higher Self what intention I should use to create and infuse her tea with to help her find success in her career. Her Higher Self told me to use the intent of bringing her husband back home.


Of course, I was confused. She has a happy marriage and yes her husband is working in a different state. He lost his job within the past year and found one on the other side of the country, but he is actively trying to find a job back home. This situation obviously isn’t perfect but she seems fine so I didn’t see how this was related to her career stress.  


So I asked her Higher Self how this intention about her relationship would help her career. Her Higher Self told me that she misses him significantly more than she lets on and his being at home gives her comfort and support. It helps her feel like she has the space to devote to her work because she has a teammate/partner to encourage her and handle other things that stress her out. This intention would help bring him home, and his being home would remove her sadness, reduce her stress, make her feel less overwhelmed, and enhance her performance.


If you notice, this is related to the second reason I discuss in my article on why you’re having trouble manifesting. The second reason is, there are energetic blocks in the way to your ultimate desire, so you need to clear the path to your success by creating affirmations and visualizations that resolve these blocks.


Her husband being away created emotional stress that became a block that is affecting her career. Both she and her husband want him back home, so creating affirmations around that would bring him home and clear her path to career success as well.


As you work with your Higher Self, be broad and keep an open mind. Ask questions if you get an intention suggestion that seems strange and unrelated. It will open your eyes to blocks you didn’t realize were holding you back. As a result, your affirmations and visualizations will have greater impact because they are targeted to interrelated areas you overlooked, but that are significant in creating your desired reality.


You will have more success if you are precise in how and where you shift the energy instead of going after the big picture only, or forcing specifics around how you think your desire should manifest. There are always little tweaks that can make all the difference. Manifestation doesn’t have to be hard, you just have to listen so you can find the leverage.