This 1 Question Will Reveal Your Purpose

This 1 Question Will Reveal Your Purpose

I have an in depth process for helping people find their purpose. But if you think you already know what yours is, here's a good test to be sure! Ask yourself this: 

Photo by Dardan

Photo by Dardan

When your life goes down the drain:

  • When your relationships or love life aren't at their best

  • When your job/income is in limbo

  • When your family is giving you a hard time

What do you have that you can't let go of? What, no matter how bad you feel, do you need to keep working on? 

Now, this doesn't mean you don't have a down day or a down week where you do absolutely nothing except tend to your emotional state. 

But, after that week, even if things in your life aren't set right yet, what MUST you continue to work on?

The answer to that question is your purpose =) 

For me, the threads that have carried through the thick and thin over the decades are: 

  • My psychic skills

  • Helping others

  • Mindset work

  • Everything and anything to do with business / entrepreneurship

  • Focusing on my next achievement / being productive

  • Eating healthy & working out 

All of that combined allows me to effectively and intuitively advise other business owners on how to set good habits that allow them to be productive and achieve their goals.

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What MUST you do no matter the circumstances?