How to add some excitement back into your business
Are you in a phase of your business where things are running smoothly - but it's getting to be a little boring? Every day starts to look like the next. You still love your business and the work that you do, but the routine is killing that driving enthusiasm you had before.
Mert Guller
No amount of inspirational quotes can get you re-engaged if you don't know how to add some excitement back into your business. What you really need is a new challenge or project to get you back in the swing of things.
So, here are some ideas to help you bring something new to the table:
1. Interview your audience to see what challenges they're facing that you weren't aware of before. Maybe there's a new need you can get excited about filling.
2. Make a change to how you create content. Do you follow a typical format each time you create a video, make a pitch, or write a blog post? Change it up to something you think could engage your audience better.
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3. Start creating content in new formats. If you tend to write blog posts, maybe try your hand at making videos too!
4. Do you follow anyone you think you could learn a lot from and could also teach in return? Reach out to them to see if they'd be willing to partner up on a project. Before you do that, brainstorm ideas on what that project could be so you don't show up empty handed. Also come to the table with a clear idea of how you would both benefit from the arrangement and what complementary strengths you can share with one another and your respective audiences
5. Join a new social media platform. Have you been thinking about expanding to a new social media platform? Your business has a solid routine, now's a great time to experiment with a new platform.
6. Don't just read inspirational quotes, post some of your own and start an engaging conversation with your audience around them. How does your quote resonate with them? What are some of their favorite quotes? What do they do to stay inspired? You'll share a little positivity with them, and you might inspire some juicy new ideas of your own.
7. Revamp an older current/relevant offer. Do you have an program or offer that you created a while ago that you still offer every few months or every year? You've learned a lot more since you created the offer, why not revamp that content with better video, audio and content! It can be fun to look at our older solutions and see how much better we can make them now.
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