The Right Kind of Action Will Bring in Your Abundance

The Right Kind of Action Will Bring in Your Abundance

When it comes to letting in abundance, I'm a big proponent of taking action. Not because I don't trust in the energy work or the universe. But because action, when done right, is a great distraction. And distraction is a great way to let go of the "need" for abundance to show up, and the "need" for it to show up NOW.

So how do you use action to your advantage? If you have been doing your energy work when you can and taking action towards your goals, but the results don't seem to be kicking in fast enough, it's time for a different kind of action.

Sandis Helvigs

Sandis Helvigs

Action towards your goals can be wonderful. But sometimes it can be done out of frantic energy. Sometimes we take action on our goals because we don't fully trust the universe, or in our own ability to manifest energetically. Sometimes we take action because we are stressed with how much we need to get done to fulfill our dreams. Sometimes it's out of impatience because we want our dreams to come faster, so we try to "help" it along.

The undertone is mistrust and micro-managing. As we've talked about before, no one likes being micromanaged and that includes the universe.

The universe is always listening, is an expert in efficiency, and is the master of perfect timing. You can leave your frazzles at the door ;)

So what can you do instead? How can you distract yourself from these frantic actions you're taking?

You take different actions instead, of course :)

If you don't trust yourself to manifest well, think about what people in your life rely on you for, do more of that for others, remember how it feels to be trusted, then go read a book on manifesting.

If you are stressed with how much you need to do, think about times when things got taken care of for you, connect with what makes your work fun and who it's really for, then go work on something in another area of your life that isn't urgent and that you enjoy.

If you're feeling impatient, give yourself perspective by thinking about the wonderful things manifesting in other areas of your life. Practice gratitude for what is already here so you aren't caught up on what isn't. Spend more time meditating, with your child, or with your pets so they help you practice patience. And hang out with someone special who makes the time fly by so fast you wish it would never end.

When taking action on your goals isn't working, take action on something else. Plan a nice date, go to the park, play board games, catch up on movies, make your favorite meal, meet friends you've lost touch with, sleep in. Magic happens in the moments when we're having the most fun.

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