Internal Fears

Should You Spend Money You Don't Have, to Attract Abundance With the Law of Attraction?

Time and time again, I have met sweet individuals who were taught about the law of attraction in a way that doomed them.

One common way that I have seen this happen is people are taught to spend money they don't yet have, as though they already have it. Because in doing so, they are signaling to the universe that they already have the wealth, or trust that it will come.

Yet as these sweet souls do this, they only get deeper and deeper into debt. And their…

Tarot for weight loss

You've been struggling to lose weight for what feels like forever, and you're starting to feel a little bit hopeless. It's like you can't seem to get past a certain point, and you don't know why. A lot of people try to lose weight and never succeed because they don't know what's really holding them back. It's time to try something new, something unconventional, something you have never considered before - something that isn't talked about.

This will give you unlimited happiness

I can't tell you the number of times friends or partners have gotten upset with me for setting boundaries. As someone who, until a few years ago, was very much a people-pleaser and trying to develop out of it, this was of course my worst fears coming true. They would get mad at me, do mean things, retaliate, and give me the cold shoulder.

Sticking to my boundaries with this kind of response was one of the hardest things I've ever had to do. Self-worth work often is. But since committing to valuing who I am and what I want, I've never been happier. And the bonus part? All those people

Law of Attraction for Entrepreneurs - How to Have Beginner's Luck Every Day

Earlier today, a social media manager and digital marketer who has been at her business for years said she is on the verge of giving up on her life-long dream of having her own business.

She has been watching people with much less experience making $10K/mo, and is discouraged that she herself has been struggling to attract clients.

She had tried Upwork, but the competition seemed too high, and they expect her to do everything for much less than she deserves.

So, what gives?

Manifesting the Life of Your Dreams

In 9th grade, my humanities teacher had us read Plato's Allegory of the Cave. At the time, I couldn't understand why some of the cave dwellers didn't want to go out into the light. Why they didn't want to try something new to experience a better life for themselves. But I understand now, because it's exactly what I do.

I play it safe and stay in my cave. More likely than not, you do it too in some area of your life.

Feeling Unworthy of Love and Abundance?

Early in my dating life, I had a hard time accepting money from my partners. I felt queasy when they bought me dinner or drinks. Often to relieve myself of that stress, I'd pick up the tab before they even had the chance. I didn't feel worthy of their, or anyone's, resources.

Of course, this feeling of unworthiness in love that I carried so deep within me manifested into break up after break up. It didn't matter if they thought I was worthy, because I didn't believe I was. And that spilled not only into dinner and drinks, but into feelings of unworthiness of being in the relationship itself! It took me a while to realize the root of this pattern. But once I did, everything changed.

Why You Aren't Self-Motivated

From a very young age, we are told what to learn, what to do, where to sit, and how to behave. Once we start school, we are subjected to the rules of others for 8 hours a day, 5 days a week. If we step outside of any lines, we get punished for being disruptive, disobedient, and misbehaving. What effect does being told what to do constantly, bring? We never learn how to be self-motivated!…