This will remove your fear of failure

This will remove your fear of failure

Sometimes it can be hard to bring in our abundance because we're unsure about how to do so. We may have an idea or plan in mind, but how do we actually execute on it and bring it to reality? There is always a next step, but sometimes we choose not to see it because we fear we aren't capable of doing it.

Markus Spiske

Markus Spiske

Or sometimes we simply stay stuck on the idea stage, and never move on to planning the action stage. The idea stage is fun, it's exciting - and it's safe. The execution stage is hard, it requires work, it can be fun too, but it puts us to the test. When we act, we can fail.

But we can also succeed. And success is what is missing from the idea stage.

The action stage can lead to success or failure. The idea stage only has one outcome on its own - failure. If an idea stays an idea, it can never be realized, and so it can never succeed. When an idea isn't realized, it has failed.

So if the only outcome of not trying is failure, it makes more sense to try, where at least you have a chance at success.

The next time you hit a spell of “fear of failure”, remind yourself that you have a greater chance at success if you DO try, and zero chance at success if you don't. You have a smaller chance at failure if you DO try, and a guaranteed failure if you don't.

Happy executing :)