How to Get Powerful Answers from Your Spirit Guides

Spirit guides have an infinite wealth of information, and they want to share it all with you. In fact, they could talk for hours about any topic of interest to you, if you had the time to sit and listen to it all.

But sometimes it isn't the time restrictions that keep us from the fullness of their wise counsel. Often it's the limitations we put on what spirit can/can't answer, based on how we structure our questions to them.


This is why it's important to keep your questions broad when you first speak to them on a subject, especially about larger subjects, issues, and plans. When you keep your questions broad, it allows you to receive that wealth of information from them. When you make your questions too specific, you create a filter in your mind that boxes your guides into only being able to answer within the limitations of that filter.

Think about the question, do you prefer cake or pie? When asked this question, often people will simply answer which one they prefer over the other.

But what if they don't really like either of them? But since you asked the question, they picked the one they liked better of the two to give you an answer.

What if instead, they truly preferred ice cream, or cookies, or brownies?

Now, your friend could have embellished their answer. Spirit guides can do that, too. But you made it more difficult to receive an answer outside of the pie or cake box, because your frame of mind didn't lend to hearing or receiving more than an answer of pie or cake.

What if, instead, you had asked a broader question first? What if you had asked, what are your favorite desserts? Your friend may have said ice cream. This changes the whole discussion, as well as the next questions you may choose to ask to discover more about your friend's preferences.

When we ask spirit guides questions, we are opening up a communication tunnel. If we ask specific questions only, we open smaller tunnels. Spirit will always try to help you, even if you ask specific questions. So they will try to stuff additional information into the limited communication tunnels in an effort to give you the bigger picture. But little pieces stuffed into many smaller tunnels will make it harder for you to understand the bigger picture they want you to know.

On the other hand, when we ask broad questions, we open wider communication tunnels. This allows us to receive additional wisdom in bigger chunks so we can understand them more in their entirety.

Law of attraction has a play here as well, as it does in everything. Law of attraction doesn't just affect what we manifest in the material, but also what we manifest in the emotional and thought realms too. If you limit your thinking when you ask a question, you will attract more limited thinking in the form of answers.

In a future article, we'll discuss some ways to ask broad questions around specific answers we'd like to receive. In the meantime, you can learn more about spirit guides at the blog here, or go even deeper on spirit guides here.