Do You Have a Purpose?

The truth is, you don't have a purpose. And neither do I. But not in the sense that you don't matter, or that you are aimless, or that you weren't created or brought here without care or thought. In the sense that, there isn't some specific purpose you have to fulfill.

People spend their lifetimes searching for their purpose so they can either:

1) Find meaning in their life going forward, like having a mission, or passion, or reason to keep going, or

2) They try to assign themselves a purpose in retrospect, to give themselves meaning for all the things they have accomplished. To make sense of their lives and actions leading up to that point.

Trying to assign all this meaning is a very human, logical mind thing to do. But it over complicates things and gets us stressed out or feeling lost. You don’t see animals questioning their being or purpose. They simply are.

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Searching for our purpose keeps us focused on the future, or deciphering our past. It takes us out of the present, NOW, moment, where our joy is. This is why searching for our purpose can feel so frustrating. It takes us from the joy we could be feeling NOW.

You don't have a purpose you have to figure out or assign yourself. What you are here for, is simply for the experience.

When you go to college, you get to choose your major and your electives. You choose what you learn. And when you go on a vacation, you get to choose your destination, mode of transport, who you go with, your excursions and activities.

In both cases, you are trying to make the most of your time and opportunities.

Do the same with your life. Instead of trying to attribute meaning to your life, ask yourself how you can have the best experiences while you are here on Earth. Or ask yourself what you’d like to learn, and what experiences you'd like to have while you're here. How can I make the most of my time here, in a way that pleases ME?

That is your only job and purpose.