Why You Can't Find Your Purpose or Stick With!

I can't tell you the number of times I've - FINALLY DISCOVERED! - my passion or purpose, only for my interest to fizzle out a few months later. 

The strange thing is, I often came back to the same realm of interest time and time again: psychic, healer, businesswoman, powerful manifestor. 

Fortunately, the days of going back and forth on what my passions are, are long gone for me now. I now even see how, what seem like unrelated experiences in my life, interweave with, and prepare me for, the next steps on my journey. 

But for all those years, why did my interests fizzle out, only for me to revisit them quarter after quarter, year after year?

I have come to realize that, at the end of the day, it is all about commitment. Commitment to myself, commitment to the talents the universe has blessed me with, and commitment to the purpose itself, especially when the next step seems too hard to be right, too vague to know how to proceed, or too boring to stick with. 

Despite what others may say, the journey of purpose isn't supposed to be easy. In fact, it is a journey chock full of opportunities to doubt ourselves, doubt what makes us special, and doubt our connection with the universe. Why? Because the journey of purpose is actually the journey of self growth and development. 

In this video, I cover common mental blocks that keep us from finding and fulfilling our life mission. Do any of these resonate strongly for you? 

How might you not be committing to yourself, your gifts, or your purpose? What mental blocks of doubt do you need to work through for your self-growth, and to connect more deeply with your life path?