Chakra Guided Meditation - Free 30 Min Deep Healing and Chakra Alignment

Meditating with our chakras can be absolutely amazing. It feels amazing, and the benefits are wonderful. The more we work with these powerful energy centers and notice the improvements it brings to our lives, the deeper we find ourselves wanting to go with them.

(If you don't already know how aligning, clearing, and balancing your chakras can help you, check out this post on the various ways it can change your life. The post includes a guided meditation you can do on your own every day in just 10 minutes to balance your chakras on your own, too!)

Early in my journey, I listened to chakra guided meditations created by others. While these were certainly helpful, and I received benefits from those meditations, I needed something deeper. I knew I was only scratching the surface with those meditations. Energy work is like peeling an onion. There are always more layers of self-exploration, growth, and overall life improvement and fulfillment. I felt like I was still only hitting the outer layers. I was on the outside looking in on all I could be. I wanted to release my blocks at their root and create real shifts in my life.

One day I created my own chakra guided meditation. But instead, I combined it with deep healing and energy work so the words, imagery, and sounds would hit the core of the onion, the core of my soul and the soul of any who listened to it.

This chakra guided meditation goes deep, hitting not just the mental body. But the emotional and etheric bodies as well. Hitting not just the conscious aspects of ourselves, but the depths of our subconscious layers as well. It is a meditation that goes deeper than most out there.

If you are looking for a deeper chakra guided meditation, one that you can focus on instead of hopping around from meditation to the next, I would like to share the one I created with you! It is 30 minutes long, allowing us to really go deep, but in an efficient way. The meditation includes healing for each of the 7 main chakras. It targets common blocks found at each chakra from multiple angles, clears those blocks, and puts in new positive energies in their place, thereby transforming and transmuting the energy at each of your centers.

If you'd like to enjoy this meditation experience, simply listen to the chakra guided meditation video below. If you would like access to more free guided meditations, be sure to join the newsletter on the homepage.

And, of course, if you would like a more personalized, deep chakra healing, cleansing, and alignment, you can always book a 1-1 chakra healing session with me here.