What is Multi-Dimensional, Channeled Information?

Multi-dimensional information is information that transcends time and space. It is heard even by those who are not listening. So if you're someone who is listening to a multi-dimensional recording such as the ones found on my channel here in your room alone, know that the frequencies of the words spoken - and the energy that is sent out through the transmissions - and that is received by the channeler through that transmission - is actually being sent out to the world around you, and those around you. Even if they are in different rooms or different apartments or across the city.

Multi-dimensional information transcends time and space. So it is sending those frequencies Out To The World At Large. And also, again, transcends time as well.

Know that whenever you listen to multi-dimensional information, yes you are definitely reaping the benefits of it within yourself. The frequencies and the words are energetically hitting your DNA, energetically hitting your energy body and your aura. And really cleansing your aura and breaking apart any kind of barriers that are currently sitting in there. And magnifying the light that is also sitting within there as well.

Also know that even though channeled messages are helping you, they are helping other people as well. When you listen to multi-dimensional information and channeled messages, yes you are doing it for yourself and for your own knowledge, of course. But know that you are actually doing it for others as well. You're doing it for the World At Large.

And that's what really makes this so powerful. Part of the reason why the frequency is so powerful and it can extend to whole cities, large cities, whole states, etc. whenever you alone are listening to the message, is because remember:

Even though we think that we are physical beings…. and we are physical beings of course. We live here in a physical reality and we have these physical bodies. So of course we are physical.

But a lot of times we forget about the spiritual side of ourselves, where we're not just our bodies. We're actually the soul within our bodies and the soul is connected to All Souls across all time and space. So when your soul is listening to these energetic transmissions, all the souls are also listening to it as well. Because we're all connected through the Collective Consciousness.

So multi-dimensional channeled material is so important to the Collective Consciousness. Not only the human Collective Consciousness, but of the entire planet and all animal and plant species that are here, as well as any ET species that are here as well.

And, of course, since ETs are already very multi-dimensional beings, and technically we are multi-dimensional beings as well. But ETs have really mastered being able to move about in other dimensions that we have not yet mastered because they are more of that multi-dimensional being. Just their presence here on Earth actually adds to the frequency of the earth. And actually gives us healing effects as well even without these kinds of word-based multi-dimensional transmissions. So their presence here has really helped the Collective Consciousness and the planet really move upwards in frequency of vibration.

Because All Things Are Spiritual, including the physical things, including the things that we consider inanimate - multidimensional frequency, multi-dimensional energy multi-dimensional transmissions - the words used and the frequencies sent out, can actually affect physical objects too, not just souls. Not just humans, not just animals and plants, but also machinery.

This is why looking at how different signs in our world are operating, maybe how a machine is or isn't operating, how technology is or isn't operating, is often a really good reflection of where the Collective Consciousness is right now as a whole. Because how the energy is, even though it's of a spiritual essence, does affect the Physical Realm. So if there are a lot of issues going on in the technology or machinery type of realm, then usually that's an indicator that there is also a lot of turmoil or issues going on in the collective energetic realm as well.

When we see advancements in technology and when we see advancements in science and other areas like that, we may think that yes, humanity has made advancements from the mental perspective. But we've also made advancements from the spiritual and collective perspective. Because again, whenever we have advancements in technology, or in science or machinery, or whatever area that you want to think about, those advancements again, even though they are more of a material nature, or a mental nature, are also of a spiritual nature.

So the advancements that are in the technology or scientific realm are reflections of the advancements that we are, or have been, or are about to make, in the Collective Consciousness realm as well. This is why it's important not to be in a war between spirituality and science, because honestly they are really reflections of each other and success in either realm that is of a positive nature really indicates success in the other realm as well.