Best Way to Make Use of Multi-Dimensional Information, Channeled Material

The best way to make use of multidimensional information and channeled material and transmissions, is honestly just to sit down and listen to it, be relaxed if possible, and simply allow the words and their frequencies to wash over you.

You don't have to really take action on this kind of information because the information itself is multi-dimensional, which means that it not only works in the spiritual and mental and emotional planes, it also works in the physical plane.

It is across all time and space and across many, many, and all dimensions, so simply just sit back and listen to it. You can multitask while you're listening to it, it's still going to affect you as long as the words and the frequencies - you are allowing them to wash over you.

If you fall asleep while listening to it, that's not really a big deal because again it's across multiple dimensions. So that includes the conscious brain as well as the subconscious brain. It's going to hit you at all levels, so even if it's not consciously affecting you, it is going into your subconscious. And sometimes the conscious brain wants to go to sleep while you're listening to these transmissions so that the transmissions can go directly into the subconscious. Because that would provide deeper healing for you in particular in that way.

You will find that the more you listen to channeled messages and transmissions, that your own intuitive abilities start to improve. Because again, these are hitting you at the vibrational level and the energetic level, again all levels, even the physical level.

And so you're going to notice that there are these shifts within you that allow you to be able to access even more of this kind of information. So you notice your own intuitive ability starting to expand, some of your telepathic ability starting to expand.

Multi-dimensional information opens you up to many of the possibilities that are out there. All the possibilities that are out there. And so all the possibilities that are out there are going to start opening themselves up to you.

And always remember that whenever you are listening to multi-dimensional information and transmissions, that it is of course healing you, as you already know on many levels. And when you heal yourself you heal others, and you heal the collective.

So the work that you're doing here by listening to these transmissions, it may seem like it's really easy. And the easy way sometimes seems like it's not the good enough way, or not the worthy way. But the easy way often times, especially when working with the universal laws, it is the best way.

So yes, just enjoy yourself, enjoy listening to these kinds of transmissions. Sit back and relax and know that you are doing humanity a great service.