The only choice you ever need to make

With everything going on at this time, it can feel like something has been taken or stolen from us. That we have been duped in some way. That others do not have our best interests at heart. It can feel like we, and we alone, carry a burden. That we are here to uphold what needs to be upheld. It can feel exhilarating in some ways. Responsibility is something that can get our spirit energized and going. But it can feel exhausting in other ways, as we wonder why it isn't working as well as we would like.

We have several choices at our disposal. All of them good in their own ways, as there is very little that is truly bad. Often what seems bad is something that only needs to be looked at from a different lens to see the light it carries for us. Often times when we are met with a choice, we get confused and lost in the options. Remember that the only choice that needs to be made is the choice of the self. What do YOU want? Not, what is available to you. So long as you always pick you, the option you select will be one that supports you.

Trishnas Temple Tarot Transformation TXS