Law of Attraction for Entrepreneurs - How to Have Beginner's Luck Every Day

Earlier today, a social media manager and digital marketer who has been at her business for years said she is on the verge of giving up on her life-long dream of having her own business.

She has been watching people with much less experience making $10K/mo, and is discouraged that she herself has been struggling to attract clients.

She had tried Upwork, but the competition seemed too high, and they expect her to do everything for much less than she deserves.

So, what gives?

How is it that people with much less experience, less skill, and less time invested are able to experience the success she longs for?

The answer is simple. It is her energy, the frequency she is emitting, the beliefs she holds in her heart about how reality must be.

Sometimes when we have become experts at something we almost "know too much." We know all the rules of how things work, the right and wrong days to post something on Instagram, how the YouTube algorithm will or won't support you, how many comments you need and how many words in each comment before Facebook will boost your post, that it takes AT LEAST a year before you can have even limited success on YouTube so we better set our expectations to having no results for a year or two if even by then.

When we are experts we have had experiences with good clients, but also with bad clients. The dishonest ones, stingy ones, mean ones, flaky ones, etc. Often it is these less enjoyable clients that start to shape our view of what working with clients is really like. And as we allow them to shape our perception, our reality starts to conform to our new expectations.

We walk into new or prospective client relationships expecting them to expect the world from us and give very little in return. We see platforms like Upwork as limited in earning potential for ourselves. We see others making bank doing what we do, but can’t understand why we’ve not included in that club. What is wrong with me, we wonder? What colors or wording or sales skills do they have that I don’t? What external skill do I need to learn, or action do I need to take so I can get what they have?

Through all of that, we build up a bunch of rules of all these things we HAVE to do in order for it all to work. And that affects our mindset and starts to make things feel hopeless.

We get lost trying to learn new “rules” through our experience with the external, all the while forgetting about the most important part of any equation - the internal. In trying to fix things through external means, we create more external problems. If instead we resolved the internal root, which is our belief system, we’d be on our way to the success we deserve and desire.

One of the reasons why beginners have "beginner's luck" is because they don't have all these mental rules telling them what is or isn’t possible - because they simply don't know any better. A beginner’s mind is open to all possibilities. Sometimes there is even an air of over-confidence. They don’t know posts will only work better if they post on Tuesday, that their brand colors will only attract clients if it aligns with the midheaven, that their first video won’t bring them success on YouTube because they have to wait some obligatory year.

If you have been struggling with your business, or any goal or dream, start by listing out what rules you think you must live by, or else you will fail. List out all the restrictions you think exists, all the thoughts, feelings, and “realities” you think are holding you back.

In the case of the social media manager, she listed several in her post. Competition on Upwork is too high. She is expected to do it all and get paid less than she deserves.

Then start healing, shifting your mindset, on each of those “restrictions.” Too learn how, watch these three videos: Powerful Mindset & Manifesting Process Part 1 Powerful Mindset & Manifesting Process Part 2Powerful Manifesting Process Part 3.

Finally, start remembering what was fun about your business. You have let go of the rules you thought you needed to submit to through your mindset and healing work. Now re-connect with what you love about your work or goal, why you wanted and want it.

Reenergizing yourself this way will add new energy into your business /endeavors and in yourself. It will get the energy flowing all the ways it needs to for your success. Try these three steps and watch what happens in just 30 days!

Want to work on your manifestations with me 1-1? Book a session with me here!