Collective November 8 Month Check In!

We're a bit past half-way into November! How is this month fairing for you? And how does it, or doesn't it, align with your personal month and the collective month of 8?

For me, with my personal month being 3, I have certainly been experiencing SO much of the social side of that number. I have met some new people, reconnected with a friend from a few years ago, and another friend from about 17 years ago! And having the best times.

For me, I'm not seeing too much new in the abundance side of the 8 month. I have been observing the power struggle side amongst others to an extent. And have been able to use my social 3 side to try to help in those instances. I usually prefer to stay out of those scenarios and not impose, but the 3 got me talking, and fortunately it was well-received.

Usually with 3's there is a lot of creativity and spontaneity, but not much discipline in seeing your ideas through. I have been fortunate to not be experience that side too much. Good thing I got back into my productivity systems earlier in the month!

How is your month panning out so far? How might you want to readjust how you're operating to make the most of this 8 month over the next couple weeks?

By the way, I'm available for personal readings in my shop here: