Communing With Your Higher Self to Lose Weight

My husband is an amazing cook, and he loves to expand his repertoire. Which means I get to eat delicious foods, and really wonderful varieties too! Which also means… that I gained quite a bit of weight in the span of a year, despite working out almost as regularly as before we moved in together.

What took me a year to gain, I lost in about 2.5 months. How, you might ask? I’ll teach you the easIER way today in this post!

The main secret to success when it comes to weight loss, and really to any area of your life, is to work with your higher self.

For many of you who already work with your higher self, you may be scratching your head as to HOW he/she/it can help you with something as physical realm-world as our bodies.

For those of you who are unfamiliar with your higher self, your higher self is the greater you. The aspects of you that are not limited to the you that is here in your body and physical realm. This means your higher self has guidance for you that you cannot see from your perspective. Shortcuts in life to your greatest and wildest happiness and fulfilment.

So how does this non-physical aspect of you know how to handle this very physical problem and reality of gaining weight, you ask?

Well, as mentioned, your higher self is greater than just the physical aspect of you. She understands your body better than you do at times! And as mentioned, she can see the shortcuts in life that we cannot see from our more limited vantage point.

Here is how I worked with my higher self to lose the 20% of my previous bodyweight that I had gained!

Talk to your higher self about food

When it comes to food, ask your higher self what you should eat. Often our minds want one thing - fries, processed foods, fast-food, etc.- but our body and higher self wants something completely different - smoothies, salads, veggie medleys, etc.

When I go out to a restaurant and I am stuck between some options, I ask my higher self which one she recommends or thinks would bring me the greatest joy long-term. I eat the one she tells me to!

This doesn’t mean you don’t ever get to enjoy the more delicious options in life! I still ate m husband’s gourmet cooking throughout this process. And dessert each night, as I have been for probably a good 10 years now.

Of course, when eating dessert, before getting that second helping I would ask her if it would truly bring me joy to eat to get seconds. Sometimes the answer is yes, and other times it is no - you will regret it in 30 min if you do!

So it is not about cutting out foods you love entirely. It just means that our higher self helps us manage the how much and when.

When on dates with my husband, I often want a nice cocktail or glass of wine. I would tune into my higher self, and more often than not, she liked the idea of a relaxing glass of wine or refreshing new cocktail. I would also work with her to help me select the one I would love the most! If you love your food, your food will love you back!

So you see, it is not just about eating healthier. But eating in alignment with our body and joy - which we can access by tapping into our higher self.

Ask Your Higher Self for Support

If that sounds difficult to implement, or restrictive. Or if you have tried this out for a few days and love the advice from your higher self, but go against it - you can ask your higher self for help with that too!

Part of growing both as a physical person and also as a spiritual being, is assessing our habits, patterns, strengths, and weaknesses. Really learning about ourselves without fear. Not to hate ourselves, but to determine what we want more of or less of in our lives.

If following your higher self’s guidance is hard to execute, ask your higher self to help you with self control and discipline. If you are having a hard time believing the guidance, ask your higher self to help you build greater trust. All you need to is ask. And answers will either come directly, at a later time, or through some other medium - like a song lyric, advice someone gives you on a different topic altogether, a video you watch on YouTube, etc.

We are not here to do it all on our own. Ask your higher self for help with any problem, or any resistance to his/her guidance.

Your Higher Self is Your Fitness Coach

I also worked with my higher self as my completely-in-tune-with-my-body-and-goals fitness coach / personal trainer. There were mornings where my shoulder might hurt from a previous workout and I would normally go down in weights for that day’s workout, or do some cardio.

Instead, I started asking my higher self what workouts to do that day. Sometimes she told me to go UP in weights! Other days to go down. Other days to focus more on stretching, and other days to do cardio or HIIT.

Your higher self will help you push yourself when you may feel you should hold back, and hold back when you ego wants to push itself.

Try it out and see how it works for you. It is really great to have your own personalized fitness coach and personalized trainer, nutritionist, and life-coach all within your self.

This is the more balanced way of working with the divine as it incorporates the divine feminine, not only the masculine - providing you with a holistic and comprehensive path forward to your greatest joys <3