Breathwork to connect with Divine Feminine Energy

One of the ways to connect with divine feminine energy is to use breathwork. Breathwork is powerful in connecting with the divine feminine energy because it taps into the life force. Our first breaths start our life, and our last breath leaves when our lifetime has come to an end.

In divine feminine energy breathwork, we are going to use a few different kinds of breathwork exercises as there are many ways to do breathwork.

Goddess Breath Work Exercise for Connecting with Divine Feminine Energy

The first kind is what I call “the goddess breath” or “the nectar inhalation”. This is a powerful way to connect with divine feminine energy and it also helps in healing yourself at all levels including mental, emotional and physical because you are taking in the nectar of life.

To do this divine feminine energy goddess breathwork, sit comfortably with your spine straight. Close your eyes and take a few deep breaths to relax. Now, imagine that you are standing or sitting in front of a beautiful goddess statue or picture. The goddess is very powerful and she has all the qualities that you desire such as courage, compassion, power and so on.

As you look at the goddess and feel her energy around you, inhale deeply through your nose. Imagine that there is a tube connected to your heart chakra or navel chakra (whichever feels better for you) which runs down to the earth and is rooted firmly in mother earth.

As you inhale, the goddess is emitting a beautiful fragrance or nectar which enters through your nose and flows down to your heart/navel chakra. Now imagine that this energy comes back up from mother earth and fills every cell of your being with divine feminine energy. When you exhale, do it through both nostrils slowly and relax.

Repeat this breathwork for as long as you like. It is a very powerful way to connect with the divine feminine energy and also to heal yourself at all levels. Enjoy!

Tree Breath Work for Divine Feminine Energy Connection

The tree breath work is different from the goddess breath in that we are not taking any nectar from the goddess. The tree breath work is more connected to earth energy than goddess energy.

The tree breath work can be done in two ways: either standing or sitting. You can do it both ways, depending on how you feel that day. The standing version often helps me to connect with my feet and ground myself.

The tree breath work is a very simple exercise that involves taking deep breaths while imagining roots growing from your feet into mother earth. As you inhale deeply through your nose, imagine that there are roots growing down from your feet and into the earth. As you do this, feel yourself becoming more connected to the earth and to the energy of nature. When you exhale, imagine that all of the stress and negativity is flowing out of your body along with the breath.

Repeat this exercise for as long as you like. It is a very simple way to connect with the earth energy and to become more grounded. Enjoy!

River Breath Work for Divine Feminine Energy

To do the river breath work is different from the goddess breath and tree breath in that you imagine yourself to be in a beautiful river.

Instead of standing or sitting, you are in the middle of the river and the water is flowing gently around you. The temperature of the water is perfect for your body and it feels very soothing as it flows around you.

As with all breathwork processes, take deep breaths slowly through your nose, making sure that the breath fills up your chest and stomach. Hold this breath for a few seconds before you exhale it out through both nostrils slowly.

Ocean Breathwork for Divine Feminine Energy Connection

To do the ocean breathwork imagine yourself standing on a beautiful beach with waves gently crashing onto shore and flowing back into the ocean. Imagine yourself in the middle of this beautiful scene and it is very soothing as the waves flow around your body.

As with all breathwork processes, take deep breaths slowly through your nose, making sure that the breath fills up your chest and stomach. Hold this breath for a few seconds before you exhale it out through both nostrils slowly.

There are many ways to connect with divine feminine energy, breathwork is just one of them. If you would like to learn more about connecting to divine feminine energy, you can do so by going to my article here where we also discuss what to do if you feel blocked from divine feminine energy, how to manifest using divine feminine energy, and how to stay connected to divine feminine energy daily and long-term.

And if you would like to work with some free guided meditations that will further your connection to the divine feminine, and the divine feminine energy, join the newsletter on the homepage here! And if you would like to learn more