What is divine feminine energy?

This is a question that many people are asking lately, as they begin to sense a shift in the way the world is moving. Divine feminine energy is a powerful force that can help you create change in your life, manifest your desires and connect with your intuition. In this blog post, we will discuss how to connect with this energy and what to do when you feel blocked from accessing it. We will also offer tips for staying connected to divine feminine energy long-term!

What is divine feminine energy and how can it help you in your life?

The divine feminine energy is a powerful force that comes from the Goddess. This energy can help you connect with your intuition, manifest your desires and create change in your life. In order to do this, we must first learn how to connect to that divine feminine energy.

How to connect with divine feminine energy

Connecting with divine feminine energy can be done in a variety of different ways including meditation, breathing exercises, and connecting with your chakras.

Meditations to connect with the divine feminine energy

One way to connect with the divine feminine energy through meditation is to find a quiet spot where you can relax and focus on your breath. As you inhale, imagine that you are taking in the divine feminine energy, and as you exhale, release any stress or negativity. You can also try visualization exercises where you imagine yourself surrounded by light or in a place that makes you feel happy and peaceful.

If you would like a free guided meditation to reconnect with the divine feminine, join the newsletter on the homepage here and you will get access to this meditation, as well as others on manifesting success and attracting your life partner into your reality.

How to connect with divine feminine energy through your chakras

Another way to connect with the divine feminine energy is by connecting with your chakras. The best way to do this is by using a guided meditation or visualization.

I have many articles on this blog that go into depth on the chakras here, including:

A quick and easy meditation to balance your chakras

A 30 min deep-healing chakra alignment meditation

What chakras are and how to work with them plus an 18 min chakra activation meditation

- Along with several free chakra healing and affirmations meditations.

Essentially, chakras come from Hinduism. When our chakras are cleared and balanced, we start to awaken our kundalini energy and experience spiritual awakenings. Kundalini energy is the energy of the divine feminine. So you can see chakra meditations are important to connecting with divine feminine energy.

To learn more about how to work with chakras, visit the other blog posts on that topic. You will want to focus on the 7 main chakras to ensure full alignment and awakening of the kundalini energy. However, if there are a few you'd want to focus on more, one would be the sacral chakra as the sacral chakra sits within the womb space. The womb being quite powerful for divine feminine and creative energy. The heart chakra another one to focus on as when balanced, it also balances our feminine and masculine energies within.

Breathing exercises to connect with the divine feminine

There are several breathing exercises that can help us connect with divine feminine energy. I discuss them in more depth here. But here is a high-level overview:

- The Goddess breath: This breath is helpful for clearing and strengthening our womb energy centers.

- The tree breath: This breath is similar to the Goddess breath, but you stand up in order to do it and work with grounding energy of the earth.

- The river breath: This breath can help us connect with divine feminine energy by imagining we are standing next to a river that represents life itself.

- The ocean breath: This breath can help us connect with divine feminine energy by imagining we are standing next to an ocean that represents the world.

Regardless of which process you use or prefer, divine feminine energy helps you connect with your intuition by helping you feel more grounded in your body so that you can listen to what it has to say.

Once you have connected with divine feminine energy, it is important to learn how to use it in order to manifest your desires.

What to do when you feel blocked from accessing this energy

Sometimes we may feel as if our divine feminine energy is being blocked by negative thoughts or emotions. This can be due to a variety of different reasons such as stress at work, self-doubt about your abilities or even past trauma that needs healing (such as sexual abuse).

If you are experiencing any of these issues, then it is important that you find ways to release the negativity from your life. This can be done through mindfulness meditations, guided meditations, mindset work, shadow work, and deep energy healing work. My programs incorporate many and even all of these aspects to heal past trauma, and release negative thoughts, emotions, replace them with new better-serving beliefs, and much more.

How to use divine feminine energy to manifest your desires

Divine feminine energy can be used to manifest your desires. It is often used for creating positive change in one's life because it comes from a place of love and compassion rather than fear.

One way is by tapping into the abundance of this energy and visualizing what you want (or using my guided meditations).

One thing that I have found helps many people connect with their divine feminine energy is doing a regular practice of gratitude. It seems simplistic and almost cliche, but when we are thankful for all we have in our lives, it opens up the door for more good to come into our lives.

Another way to use divine feminine energy to manifest your desires is by setting an intention each day and then writing it down. I like to do this as part of my morning routine. I'll sit with my journal and just write whatever comes to mind. Often the intention is revealed to me through this process.

Tips for staying connected to divine feminine energy long-term

One of the best ways to stay connected to divine feminine energy is by setting an intention each day and then writing it down. As I mentioned earlier, I like to do this as part of my morning routine. I'll sit with my journal and just write whatever comes to mind, and often the intention is revealed to me through this process.

I then like to pull a tarot card and check in with my intuition for any guidance I need to know regarding my intentions for the day. I use that guidance as the theme for my day to help me make decisions, focus my mind, and make each day the best it can be.

Meditation and daily energy work are staples of my divine feminine energetic diet each day. They keep me - my auric field, my chakras, my body - all of me in alignment so that I am making the most of each moment on this earth.