Tarot: What It Is and How to Use It in Your Life

When you think of tarot, what comes to mind? For some people, it's images of gypsies with crystal balls. For others, it might be the scary movie "The Conjuring." But what is tarot really? And how does it work? In this post, we'll explore tarot and its history, and discuss how you can use it in your own life. So if you're curious about this enigmatic art form, read on!

What tarot is

Tarot is an ancient art form that has been practiced for thousands of years. It's a divination technique, which means it can help you understand the future or your place in the world. And it can provide you with guidance and clarity when you are feeling lost or uncertain about your path

Tarot uses cards with symbols on them, and these symbols are used to tell stories about life events and experiences. The most common deck of tarot cards is called the Rider-Waite, and it was created in 1909 by Arthur Edward Waite and illustrated by Pamela Colman Smith. The deck consists of 78 cards: 22 major arcana (or "trump" cards) and 56 minor arcana (also called "pip" or "suit" cards). Each card has a unique meaning, and they can be used to predict what's going on in your life or what might happen in the future.

There are many different styles of tarot reading, but all have one thing in common: They involve laying out cards face-up and interpreting what they mean. Tarot readings can help you gain insight into what's going on in your life, and they can provide guidance for making decisions. They can also be a lot of fun!

If you're interested in getting a tarot reading, there are a few things you should know. Keep reading to learn more!

How tarot readings work

In a tarot reading, we often think the psychic is reading the cards. But in reality, we find that the cards are reading US! This is what makes them such a great tool for self-discovery.

Tarot readings are based on the idea that there are many possible futures and we can use tarot to help us see what might happen in a few, or the most likely of those futures. The cards show you what could happen, but they don't tell what will definitely happen. It's up to you to decide what you want to do with the information.

Tarot is not a tool for finding a set-in stone future. It is a tool that gives us the power to know where we are energetically in the present, and how to create our desired reality given the tools around us now.

At the end of the day, we create our own reality. Tarot gives us insight into what we need to work on now to manifest the desired version of reality we want instead of living on auto-pilot and letting things happen TO us. Tarot allows us to take charge of our lives and to make better decisions with more information.

The Two Most Common Tarot Spreads: Celtic Cross & 9 Card

There are many different styles of tarot readings, but one of the most common styles uses "spreads".

The two most common are the Celtic Cross and the 9-Card Spread.

The Celtic Cross spread is one of the most popular spreads because it can be used for anything from love to career advice. The Celtic Cross spread was designed to give you a broad overview of your life, but it is also good for specific questions.

It consists of ten cards: two in the center which represents what's going on now (the present) and what the situation is, one at the top that represents what's above you one below that represents what's below you at the foundation, one to the left that represents what has passed, one to the right that represents what lies ahead, and four to the rightmost to represent other energies and messages you need to be aware of.

This spread was designed by Arthur Edward Waite in 1909 and is still used today.

The other common spread is the 9-card spread. This spread is also used for more general topics or specific questions. It provides a holistic overview of an area of your life that may have some intricacies or feels broad and hard to pin down.

It has a card in the center that represents your energy, as well as four cornerstone cards for main influences, and four diamond / framing cards for additional information.

A 9-cards spread can go quite in depth on a topic because it is read in so many different directions. It covers past, present, future, common potentials and explanations, ideals, reality, what is in your unconscious that needs awareness, underlying reasoning and drivers, and so much more. 9 card spreads are read left to right, top to bottom, diagonals, and in many other ways - all in one reading! - to provide a complete picture and holistic guidance on your path.

I offer both of these spreads, the Celtic Cross and the 9-Card Reading, and many more, at my Etsy shop here!

Benefits of getting a tarot reading

Tarot readings can help you gain insight into what's going on in your life, and they can provide guidance for making decisions. They are a great way to get answers to questions that have been bothering you or help you find clarity about what direction your life is headed in. They can also provide insight into what others are thinking, and what their intentions and agendas are regarding you. Tarot readings provide insight into things that are often hidden, things you can't read or find on paper.

How to choose the right reader for you

When looking for a tarot reader, it's important to find someone who you feel comfortable with. You should look for someone who has a good reputation and is known for giving accurate readings. If possible, try to find someone with experience in your specific situation so they can give you personalized guidance on what steps you should take next.

A great way to find a reader that you feel comfortable with is to search for them on sites like Etsy where you can see how others who have worked with them have rated them. You can visit my Tarot Etsy Shop here if you would like to see if I am the reader for you!

How To Prepare For A Tarot Reading

Before going into a tarot reading, it's important to be prepared. This means having an open mind and being willing to hear what the cards have to say.

It's also helpful to have some questions prepared so you can get the most out of your reading. An experienced tarot reader will know how to best read for your questions. However, if you would like to make sure you are phrasing your questions right, here is how to best prepare your questions for your tarot readings.

Make sure to write them in the context of what you DO want. So that when you get the answer, if it is a yes, it is good news. If it is a no, it is bad news. It will make the answers and the flow of the reading much clearer.

For example, if you wanted to ask: Is my partner cheating on me? You would rephrase it so that a Yes answer is good. At present, if you get "Yes" to the way the way the question is currently phrased, that would mean your partner IS cheating which is not a positive answer for you.

So instead you would rephrase the question to be: Is my partner fully committed to me and only me?

You should also be prepared to pay for your reading. Tarot readings typically cost around $60-120 per hour, but rates may vary depending on the reader.

What To Do After A Tarot Reading

Once you've had a tarot reading, it's important to take what you've learned and put it into action. This means taking steps to improve your life based on the guidance you've received from the tarot cards.

It can be helpful to take notes while listening to your reading, or to highlight written readings you have purchased. Note the action items, note the top 3 pieces of advice to focus on for now - as you will receive a lot of guidance in just one session.

It's also important to thank your reader for their time and insights. This helps to build a positive relationship with them and could lead to future readings. If you enjoyed your reading, be sure to leave a review on Etsy or other sites where you found your reader. This will help others who are looking for a reader to help them on their own paths.

I hope this information has helped you better understand what tarot is, how it works, and what benefits there are in getting a reading! If you would like to learn more about tarot or have any questions at all, please feel free to reach out on my Contact page, send me an email, or send me a message on Etsy convo at my shop!