Which tarot reading should you get?

Tarot is a powerful tool that gives you insight and helps guide your decision-making process by asking you to look at the current situation in your life, what causes are at play, and how things got to be the way they are. Then, it will help give insight on what the best path is for you based on the cards drawn.

The purpose or intention you have in mind for your reading will influence the type of spread you use to help with your decision making. If you want to a very specific answer, tarot can often help with that, or at least point you in the right direction. But it's especially useful when you need guidance with questions such as,


  • I want to know what to do about my relationship.

  • I know he's cheating, what should I do?


  • Should I take this job?

  • How will my money situation change in the next year?


  • Which college offer should I accept?

Spiritual Growth:

  • What's the next step I should take to develop spiritually?

Achieving goals or problem-solving:

  • "How do I get out of this rut?" or

  • "How can I be more productive in my life?"

As well as broader questions like:

  • I'm so confused about my future.

  • What do I most need to know right now?

There are a lot of different types of tarot spreads to choose from depending on the purpose and nature of the question of your desired tarot reading. Here are some common ones tarot readers and psychics will use:

One tarot spread that is very helpful for when you are feeling stuck in a situation is the Celtic Cross. It will give you insight into what is blocking your progress, and give you guidance on how to release it. It is also a great spread to get perspective about your life overall. It can help answer questions such as ,

  • What is the underlying message behind something that's happening right now?

  • What do I need to release in order to move forward?

  • How can I create more balance in my life?

  • What lies ahead for me this year?

9 card spreads are great for when you are trying to figure out why something keeps happening. For example, if every time you try to spend more time with your loved one, an argument ensues, you could use a 9 card spread to get insight into the root cause of the problem.

9 card spreads are great for career readings as well, for example if your job is not rewarding and the only thing keeping you there is that it's secure but leaves you with little time to pursue your passions, a 9 card spread can help show if/when/how much those passions will be able to take over for your current career.

Love compatibility spreads can tell you how you both get along, how well you can handle each other's strengths and weaknesses, and how you align emotionally, mentally, spiritually, and physically. This is a great spread if the relationship is new, or if you are in an established relationship but it feels like something is off.

If you would like a love compatibility, 9 card spread, or celtic cross reading, visit my Etsy shop here!

3 card spreads are great for a whole number of readings such as:

  • Past, present, future

  • Mind, body, spirit

  • Problem, advice, outcome

  • What to focus on, what to avoid, energy of the day

  • Your energy, their energy, relationship's energy

One card spreads can be used to provide daily guidance, often referred to as a one-card or daily draw. This is wonderful for getting the most important advice you need for the day, understanding what theme to focus on, or simply to connect more deeply with tarot and your cards through the journey of your own life.

There are decision making / crossroads spreads, horseshoe spreads, year ahead spreads... so many out there for a whole host of different situations and purposes.

There are many ways to approach the tarot, but spreads certainly help us to get a clearer picture of the information we receive and the guidance we need. If you would like a clairvoyant psychic or tarot reading from an experienced professional psychic, book one at my Etsy shop here!