How to make sure you get the most out of your reading

How can I make sure to get the most out of my reading?

Tarot and psychic readings are really powerful ways of allowing spirit to speak to us and share what we most need to know in this moment about what is on our minds. If you are planning to get a tarot or psychic reading, here is how to make sure you get the most out of your experience!

1. Write down your thoughts on what you want to ask in your reading.

The clearer you are mentally and emotionally, the clearer your reading will be as well. Per the law of attraction, we attract everything to us. That includes our readings. How we’re vibing, will affect how our reading turns out. If we are scattered, our reading will be scattered as well.

If you put some thought around your questions and topic before the reading, you can get clear on what you want to focus on.

2. Word your questions much like you’d word an intention.

Once you know what you want to focus on and have a good idea of how you currently want to word it, make sure you word it like you would an intention. Meaning, word it so that a yes answer would be good, positive. This will prove for a more productive and clear reading.

If you want more information on how to word your tarot and psychic reading questions for best results, along with some examples, read this article here. It is discussed in the 6th section on how to prepare for your tarot reading.

3. Consider the timeline you are asking about.

It is ok to ask questions about circumstances farther in the future. But just know that the farther out you go, the higher the probability that things will change. Everything is always in flux. People, situations, ourselves. And all of those changes and fluxes shift future potentials accordingly, since we create our future based on our dominant energy or vibration. The farther out you ask about, the more room for changes and shifts between now and then.

4. Include empowering, actionable questions.

You may want to ask questions that can empower you in the situation. Meaning, ask questions that are more actionable. A tarot reading is not just about receiving an answer and being passive about your future or fate. You have the ability to shift your reading / future, based on your dominant energy, and also based on your actions.

So if you want to bring in love, or launch a business, don't just ask if the business will take off, or if you will find love this year. Those questions are great, and should be asked if you want. But in addition, ask what steps you need to take now to materialize that business, to bring love, to bring in more prosperity and abundance.

5. Have some broad questions so spirit has room to answer.

Its helpful to ask some questions in the form of "What do I need to know now? What direction should I take, and what actions should I take which will lead me down this path?" This opens the guidance, spirit, and the reader up be able to answer more fully than if your question was very specific. With broader questions like this, you can learn about underlying factors, reasonings, intricacies of a situation that you weren't aware of before. And that information can help you decide how to approach people, situations, and what options may be available to you that you were not previously aware of or might not have considered otherwise.

6. It's ok to ask about your fears and anxieties, and any negative emotions you are feeling.

This is what readings are for! Being honest about how we feel, seeing what the honest snapshot of our future looks like right now, and then asking for the actions and tools to alter that future to the version we want. Don't feel like you need to hide from your reading or reader - or from yourself. Get as much awareness as you can about yourself and your situation, as that allows for the most growth and most improved potentials as well.

7. Listen carefully during your reading and do your best to avoid interrupting the reader or talking over them.

If you do this, you will find that you walk away from the reading much more satisfied. Sometimes we walk into a reading thinking we need to know one thing, but when spirit finally gets a platform to speak to you through your psychic or tarot reader, spirit can share what they feel you really should be focused on or need to know.

So let your tarot reader or psychic channel spirit and the messages spirit wants you to know most, as it can prove very insightful, revealing, and fulfilling. Remember, while you are there to get your questions answered, you are also there to get the messages spirit wants to share with you so you can best move forward on your journey. You want access to all knowledge, not just the trains of thought your mind may think are important.

8. Make sure to take good notes in a journal. This way you have a nice way to reference back to what was said and shared.

Your reader may record their readings for you. Either pre-recorded, pre-written, or recording your call itself if you are speaking with them live. If so, be in the moment with your reader and absorb what they are sharing. You can go back to the recording or written reading and take notes or highlight, etc. then.

When you take notes on your reading, select the top 3 actions, and the top 3 guidance points to work on. My readings for clients often include a plethora of information. All of that needed to be heard by you. But when actually moving forward on the guidance, it is best if select 3 so we don’t get overwhelmed and we’re able to stick with it and actually materialize the desired outcomes and reality we want.

Once you are done with those 3-6 items, then you can select more and work on those.

9. If you are getting a live reading and something seems unclear, ask your reader for clarification. They would be happy to clarify for you.

Readers want to make sure you are getting the messages you are meant to hear from spirit. So if you have anything that feels confusing, your reader would be happy to reword or explain differently so that you receive your guidance.

10. Let spirit give you the message you most need.

Your reading might not provide you with a "yes" or "no" answer, but rather give you more options, next steps, advice, and deeper insight about your situation. I have yet to have a client who didn’t get a yes or no from me, who didn’t walk away satisfied. The information I provided them gave them enough information and context to know what their own yes or no was with blaring clarity.

I hope this helps you get the most out of your reading! If you would like to get a reading from me, visit my Etsy tarot reading shop here!