Tarot for weight loss

You've been struggling to lose weight for what feels like forever, and you're starting to feel a little bit hopeless. It's like you can't seem to get past a certain point, and you don't know why. 

It's frustrating when you're doing everything "right" and the number on the scale refuses to budge. You may feel like you're stuck in a cycle of dieting and bingeing, or that your genetics are just against you. You've tried everything out there, but nothing seems to work.

A lot of people try to lose weight and never succeed because they don't know what's holding them back. So, it's time to try something new, something unconventional, something you have never considered before - something that isn't talked about.

Before we get into that, we need to talk about what is holding you back from losing weight and from breaking through your weight loss plateau. Yes, there is the bingeing, the genetics. But that's not the entire story. There is something else - its your emotional blocks.

Emotional blocks can make us eat out of anxiety, hold onto weight, sabotage our weight loss efforts, and keep us from finally losing those pounds. When you're feeling overwhelmed by your weight, your emotional blocks are often the culprit - you're not just stuck because of some outside circumstances

This is because our mind controls our emotions, and vice versa. So if there's something emotionally impeding us, you won't feel good about yourself, your situation, or your body. And you will not be able to lose weight and keep it off until you remove your emotional blocks around weight loss.  

So, how do we identify what our emotional blocks around weight loss are? To do so, we need to tap into our subconscious. We need to understand what internal beliefs and programming is keeping us from losing the weight, and self-sabotaging ourselves instead.

One of the best tools for tapping into our subconscious and identifying our emotional blocks around weight loss, is tarot.

I told you it was different, unconventional. But don't knock it till you've tried it! Mainstream solutions haven't worked out, it’s time to give something else a go.

When you know what your emotional blocks around weight loss are, they become a lot easier to deal with. Tarot readings can not only identify your emotional blocks on weight loss, but also provide a plan of action to help you release and overcome them!

Once you know what is holding you back, you can finally take action that actually works - and not just to lose the weight, but to keep it off too!

Imagine how great it will feel when you finally see the number on the scale go down after all these years! With tarot readings, you now have the tool that can make that dream a reality.

So pull out your favorite deck of cards and uncover the blocks holding you back, or get a reading from me at my Etsy shop here!