Stinging Nettle Plant Medicine

"I didn't originate on Earth actually," he said. "I came from this universe, and watched the Earth from afar on an asteroid. The longer I looked down, the more I wanted to be a part of all that was happening. I am a god, after all. I can do anything I please. And of course I want to be a part of all creation."

"And so not knowing where I would thrive and where I wouldn't, I fell from the asteroid and made sure to scatter myself all around the world."

"Of course, as a foreigner I am not always acknowledged, not always accepted. And it hurts. For I am full of belief and any beliefs you hold, I will amplify and support."

Stinging nettle is a plant often found at the edges of society. Often not thought of, generally not appreciated. Only noticed when a single blade, or even a single hair, causes an issue, then demonized as a group. Not unlike how we sometimes treat each other in societies today.

However, it holds divine power and is full of belief. Anything you believe, it will amplify.

Any belief it will amplify? How wonderful!

While this is a powerful plant to work with - make sure to take caution. You must be ready to work with this medicine. When your beliefs are neutral to positive, it will cure you. It will bring your desires. When your beliefs are negative, it will amplify all that holds you back.

Stinging nettles are found in many parts of the world. Europe, Asia, Africa, South America, US, and Canada. While not poisonous, they are moderately toxic to humans and pets, especially thinner skinned dogs such as labradors. When touched it causes skin reactions, when eaten it can result in throat irritations. True to its name, if the tiny hairs on the underside of its leaves are touched, it causes a painful sting - leading to its reputation as a menace. Stinging nettles are often between 2-5 feet high with leaves that are several inches long, pointed at the ends, and coarsely toothed.

Interestingly enough, while the stinging nettle inflicts pain of its own, it is often used to treat painful muscles, joints, gout, arthritis, some urinary problems, and eczema. It has also been used as a diuretic which may help with some prostrate troubles and kidney stones.

Stinging nettle has also been shown to help with diabetes. It can reduce liver inflammation, lower blood pressure, lower cholesterol levels, improve blood sugar / is an anti-hyperglycemic, and improve the heart’s antioxidant defenses. Consult your doctor to know how best to work with this plant as it can come in a variety of different forms such as teas, extracts, etc. It also is not encouraged if you are pregnant as there is still much to be studied on the effects of this plant.