Uncover Your Unique Light Codes & Divine Mission to Assist Our Transition to the New Earth

If you identify as a lightworker, indigo, starseed, empath, or earth angel, then you know there is an undeniable divine mission and purpose burning deep within your core.

Through our transition to the distorted fields here on Mama Gaia, we lost sight of much of what that purpose is. We may feel bits and pieces of it from time to time, but turning it into something tangible and grounded somehow alludes us.

The resounding question is - we are here to do SOMETHING, but what is it?

The answer to this question resides in our light codes, which are held deep within our souls. In order to uncover our light codes, and therefore our mission, purpose, and gifts - we must first travel to the depths of our souls and reach new levels of awakening.

You have awakened enough to know you have a specific reason why you are here on Gaia at this particular time in humanity's history. It is now time to awaken further to what that reason is.

Come join me in my new Light Codes & Spiritual Activation Course, where we will make the journey to visit our souls, activate our light codes, receive our divine mission and gifts, as well as the action steps we can take now to fulfill our path.