Rules of Manifesting with the Law of Attraction

When it comes to manifesting with the law of attraction, there are certain rules that you need to follow in order for it to work effectively.

Essentially the law of attracts states that like attracts like. This means that positive thoughts will attract positive experiences, and negative thoughts will attract negative experiences.

So the basic rule of manifesting is you want to increase your positive thoughts, and decrease your negative ones.

Let's get into some more specific manifesting techniques that embody this basic rule.

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Visualize the end goal

Visualize the end goal of what you want to achieve. You need to be clear about what it is that you want to manifest into your life, and then create in your mind the image and experience of having it. The more vivid and realistic your visualization, the better.

Speak your desires into existence

Now if you can't visualize, not to worry. What is actually the most important is the words you speak to yourself. Do you state your desires in the present tense? Do you state them in positive ways (ex: Saying you are a great writer, vs saying you are not a bad writer).

So long as you can word things in those two ways, you can manifest! The words themselves will create the images, the sensations, the feelings, the sounds that are necessary for you to manifest, whether you are aware your mind is doing that or not.

So focus on the words if you can't create the visualizations, and you are golden!

Focus on the positive

It goes without saying that if positive thoughts attract positive experiences, you will want to focus on positive thoughts and feelings more often than not. Tell stories every day to yourself about how well things are going, and how well they will continue to go.

Reduce negative thoughts

Negative thoughts and feelings will only attract more negativity into your life, so it is important to reduce your negative thoughts. This is often best achieved by meditating and clearing your thoughts. Negative thoughts will surface when you try to meditate. That is ok. Simply notice that you are thinking them, then let them go. Doing this in meditation will train you to let go of negative thoughts you think throughout your day that you previously didn't even notice. And then you can let them go as you go about your day too, not just in meditation.

Believe, or at least don't disbelieve

Believing you can manifest your desire is certainly helpful. If you believe it, then you are well on your way to attracting what you want.

However, not every topic is so easy for us to believe we can have. If you are struggling to believe you can have your desire, then simply let go of the need to believe it.

Instead, focus on being positive about things in your life right now. That positivity will attract the desires you want and don't believe you can have, because when we are in a positive state we attract ALL our desires to us.

The rule here is, just don't disbelieve yourself. If you can't believe, then think about other things that bring you joy so you are not disbelieving. And you will manifest your desires without needing to believe in your ability to attain them.

Be patient

Finally, you need to be patient. Honor the waiting period and understand that when things aren't materializing immediately, you did not do anything wrong! Just keep staying positive as much as possible. The waiting is PART of the manifesting process, not a sign you made a mistake or need to keep trying harder. When you can be patient, your desires will come to you much faster.

These are the rules of manifesting. Increase how much of your time you spend feeling good and thinking positively, and reduce the amount of time you spend thinking and feeling negatively. It is not more complicated than that. Do this and you will manifest all of your heart's desires.

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