Should You Spend Money You Don't Have, to Attract Abundance With the Law of Attraction?

Time and time again, I have met sweet individuals who were taught about the law of attraction in a way that doomed them.

One common way that I have seen this happen is people are taught to spend money they don't yet have, as though they already have it. Because in doing so, they are signaling to the universe that they already have the wealth, or trust that it will come.

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Yet as these sweet souls do this, they only get deeper and deeper into debt. And their fear around money only grows.

This teaching is a distortion of the law of attraction, taught by those who do not truly understand the principles. This teaching is a distortion of two different kinds of manifestation techniques. One is making room in your life for your desire. For example, making room in your closet for your future partner to be able to put their clothes in.

The other is the teaching of Acting As If, which comes from law of attraction, as well as law of assumption, predominantly from Neville Goddard or William James. Act as though you already have your desire.

Now these teachings are fine as they are, but the teachers advising their students to take out credit cards if they can't pay for the things they want and just trust the universe will provide... they are distorting the teachings. And honestly, not being good teachers at all.

If you are wondering whether you should take out credit cards or spend beyond your means in order to attract more wealth... the answer for 99% of people is NO.

Law of attraction is about the MIND

You see, everything about the law of attraction is about the power of the MIND. These Make Room for What You Desire, and Act As If teachings are about using the mind to attract your desires to you.

So how do you attract more wealth? If you want to Act As If, do so in your mind. Don't spend money you don't have and put yourself deeper into debt. Instead, spend the money in your MIND. Imagine having the wealth you want, what would you buy? Imagine going to a mall and having a few thousand in your purse or wallet. Spend that money on those things, but in your mind.

That is the first takeaway that I want you to take from this. It is about the power of the mind, focusing the mind, the mind the mind the mind! Then it will become your reality. THOUGHTS create things. Not buying things you can't afford - doing this often creates even more lack. Why?

Well, that's the second point I want you to take away from this. And it ties into why spending money you don't have won't work for 99% of people... but / so what about the other 1%?

what energy are you amplifying?

These teachers are not good teachers at all. They are regurgitating things taught to them, and then prescribing without diagnosing. A good teacher understands where their student is.

You must understand where you or your student are energetically, before you can offer spending-money-you-don't-have as a solution. If a student already has a lot of fear around money, or living beyond their means, or going into debt, or already being in debt - then these fears will only be amplified when they spend money they don't have.

When you amplify that kind of mentality and energy, then the student is sure to only create more debt for themselves, not attract abundance into their lives. As an aside, overspending on credit cards likely got them into debt in the first place, how would doing more of that suddenly solve the issue without first helping them alter their vibration???

In order for this spend-money-you-don’t-have practice to work, the student must not have any fears about digging themselves into a hole, and spending what they don't have. Very few can take these actions without fear, hence why this technique is NOT good for 99% of people.

Again, the key is to spend the money in your mind. Not in the real world with consequences that then negatively impact our emotions, beliefs, and ability to attract. It is imperative that we know ourselves and are honest with ourselves when it comes to deciding what manifestation techniques we use.

You can’t trick the universe, it only responds to vibration

The universe only responds to our vibration, and our vibrations don’t lie. If you take an action that says I AM wealthy and I trust, but you don’t actually trust within and you truly feel fear or lack - then you are vibrating fear and lack, and that is what the universe will respond to. You cannot trick the universe through action, it only listens to vibration. So understand where you are vibrationally, and be honest with yourself. You will be served so much more powerfully if you do this.

So if you have been wondering whether to follow this technique, chances are that you should not. And instead you should spend the money in your mind instead. And if you want an extra boost, you should also release anxiety around money. Don't know how to do that? Watch videos 2, 3, 4, and 5 in the free law of attraction masterclass here to learn how to master law of attraction and soothe any blocks you have to your desires. Or watch them below. And if you would like an energy checkup to see how best to manifest depending on your current beliefs at this time, book a psychic clairvoyant or tarot reading on Etsy with me here.